
Pro-family advocates are decrying an LGBT measure approved last week by the California State Senate's Education Committee, saying it amounts to nothing more than sexual indoctrination of school kids.


Thanks to DNA home test kits, you can learn about your genes and various health issues. While those results may reveal a lot, they don't always tell the whole story. We are equipped with a mechanism called the epigenome that tells our genes what to do.


The Presbyterian Church USA passed several resolutions critical of Israel on Friday during the denomination's 223rd General Assembly held in St. Louis, Mo.


Last week I testified before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on the state of the American labor market. I summarized my message in one sentence: for American workers, the job market has never – or at least, seldom – been better.  If you don't have a job, go out and get one because they are out there for the taking. 


Colleges and universities across the country used to be thought of as places of free thought and free speech. However, the news about the state of free speech on college campuses has been depressing over the last several years as ideas have been muzzled and speech literally gagged.


The United States Senate recently passed overwhelmingly the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act which bans the Department of Defense from selling F-35 fighter jets to Turkey as long as the NATO ally holds American Pastor Andrew Brunson in prison.


Actor Peter Fonda tweets hateful comments about the president, his son, and wife. Congresswoman Maxine Waters calls for harassment of Trump administration officials. And, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party are forced to leave a Lexington, Virginia restaurant. Is this the new norm in America?  Are we entering an era of incivility? 


The nation's largest abortion provider is suing the Trump administration over its abstinence-only approach to sex education, calling the program "ineffective" and "misleading" for children.


Burger King is under fire for an ad that encourages women to have sex for money and free burgers.


Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is in hot water after calling the God of the Bible "stupid" for allowing Adam and Eve to sin in the Garden of Eden.  
