
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump hosted Jordan's King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein and Queen Rania Al Abdullah at the White House Monday.

Las Vegas Mourning

The US Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance announced Monday it has awarded $2.1 million to the state of Nevada.


Two-time Olympic gold medalist David Wise says he realizes God can use the best and worst moments of our lives. The veteran ski champion went up for the halfpipe when his skis slipped off. He tried again and his skis failed for the second time. That's when he relaxed and thought, "I can glorify God through failure and I could enlighten people's lives through failure just as much as success."


The Department of US Health and Human Services has created an "unaccompanied children reunification task force," a first step toward reunifying thousands of migrant children in the agency's custody with their families.


U.S. health regulators have approved the first prescription drug made from marijuana, a milestone that could spur more research into a drug that remains illegal under federal law.


Counseling experts say children separated from their parents can fail to grow and develop in a healthy way as they focus their attention on the trauma they're experiencing.


More and more faith-based adoption agencies are being forced to close for refusing to place children in houses with same-sex couples.  


In an emailed statement to CBN News, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte said House committees have "repeatedly" asked to interview Mr. Strzok, but he has yet to appear.


Tensions between the US and China have been high after Defense Secretary James Mattis slammed Beijing at an international conference for its militarization of islands in the South China Sea about a month ago.


President Donald Trump is not backing down on China, threatening the country with tariffs on $200 billion worth of goods.
