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Trump to Hold Second Meeting with Mitt Romney


WASHINGTON --  Transition is afoot as President-elect Donald Trump is set to meet with a "Who's Who" of potential cabinet candidates.  

In Monday's press briefing, transition team members Sean Spicer and Jason Miller told CBN News that the president-elect takes these decisions very seriously. 

Those meetings include sit-downs with Fran Townsend former homeland security advisor to George W. Bush, Gen. David Petraeus, and Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt.

On Tuesday, Trump meets with former presidential candidate Mitt Romney for a second time.

There are reports of dissention in the Trump ranks as adviser Kellyanne Conway took to Twitter and other outlets to rip any chance of a Romney appointment as secretary of state.

"People feel betrayed to think that Governor Romney, who went out of his way to question the character and the intellect and the integrity of Donald Trump, now our president-elect, would be given the most significant cabinet post of all, secretary of state," Conway told NBC's "Meet the Press." 

Over the weekend Trump named KT McFarland as deputy national security advisor and Don McGahn as White House counsel. 

Tomorrow Trump and Vice President-elect Pence are also scheduled to meet with other potential candidates including Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.  

That would bring the total number of candidates considered for positions to about 70.

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