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WATCH 'We Can No Longer Sit on the Sideline:' Cissie Graham Lynch's Urgent Election Message to Christians

Image source: CBN News
Image source: CBN News

Cissie Graham Lynch, the granddaughter of the late Rev. Billy Graham, is calling on Christians to make their voices heard in this year's presidential election.

Graham Lynch, an outspoken supporter of President Trump, is one of several evangelicals lined up to speak at an outreach for Christian voters called "Non-Essential." 

Hosted by the creators of Hope Rising and Revive Us, national faith leaders and panelists, including Dinesh D'Souza, Kirk Cameron, and Charlie Kirk will discuss faith and voting as well as the issues of 2020. K-LOVE male artist of the year, Danny Gokey will lead a time of worship.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say this country's in severe trouble," Graham Lynch told CBN News. "And I don't believe that any Democrat's gonna fix it. I don't believe any Republican's gonna fix it. Only God can fix this nation."

The goal of the event is to encourage the more than forty million inactive Christian voters in the country to participate in this year's election.

"Every election cycle, I'm both shocked and disappointed to learn how many Christians do not participate in our elections and it's my hope that an event like this can make a historical difference, " said Ryan Higgins, Co-Creator of Non-Essential and Founder of The Tempus Collaborative.

Graham Lynch says it is time for believers to engage the political process.

"I've traveled the world with my dad Franklin Graham with the ministry Samaritan's Purse and I just know what a precious gift we have to be able to vote and to have a voice," said Graham Lynch.  

She admits 2020 has been a tumultuous year for many and compares what families have faced to waves crashing on a beach.  

But she says there is more to fear as the country heads in the wrong direction, particularly on the issue of gender identity.

"I've seen so many concerns," she explained. "I'm a mom of young children and I see it very essential to speak on these issues that we're facing right now.

"The time has passed," Graham Lynch continued. "We can no longer sit on the sideline and let these issues keep coming up and we're not having a voice in it."

She added, "Just this week I had to go to the local school board and I had to fight for our children on the frontlines because this idea of sexual ideology has become the forefront of education endeavors where they're trying to teach children in kindergarten about sexual identity."

"Those are the things we're seeing all across the country. I'm a mom and I'm going to fight as long as I can for my children. But one way to do that is with our vote," she commented.

Graham Lynch also says that many in America have been gripped by fear due to the pandemic. But she says even more is at stake at the ballot box this year.

"As Christians, we need to be fearing in this country the idea of socialism and the attack of our religious liberties," said Graham Lynch. "These are some of the things that our religious liberties, our forefathers fought for free exercise of religion. Some evangelicals and those on the left have adopted this idea that our religion should just be kept inside the four walls of our home and inside our places of worship. That's not what our forefathers intended. They intended our faith be very involved in jobs, our businesses, and our schools.   And we're being very quiet."

On the issue of life, Graham Lynch said Christians have a moral responsibility to defend the rights of the unborn.

"Science is on our side when we talk about life.  When you talk about a child inside of the womb growing and thriving and we're talking about people who govern over us who believe its ok, not just first trimester abortions, but they think it's ok to have an abortion in the sixth, seventh and eighth month, all the way 'til the child is born. We as Christians, is it ok for us to turn our back and not engage in that conversation, to help end that?"

She said during troubling times, many often ask whether God has abandoned America? And why is He allowing so much suffering?

"I was just reminded of a message that my grandfather spoke back in the 90's in New York City and he says, 'God hasn't abandoned us. We've abandoned God'."

Graham Lynch says turning to God is what America needs more than a politician. 

"God's ear is inclined to us and we have to be a nation that turns back, and he will hear the cries and pleas of those who are righteous," said Graham Lynch

The Non-Essential get-out-and-vote event is scheduled for Sunday, October 18 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm at Calvary Chapel in Chino Hills, California before a live audience. 
It will also be streamed on Non-Essential and on the CBN News Facebook page

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