Christian Living

Spiritual Life


Prayer is a powerful part of our daily lives and relationship with Jesus. It’s the best way to connect with God and share every aspect of life with Him, good or bad.

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Bible Teachings on Prayer

Life is a never-ending series of choices. Can we know whether we are making the right decisions? I have good news -- God wants to speak to us, and...

No matter how deep your pain from grief and sorrow, God can help you find comfort and hope.

The search for peace drives men and nations to great extremes.

Prayer is a two-way conversation with God. In prayer, the depths of your spirit are in communion with the depths of the Spirit of God.

God’s instructions are clear as to how to pray, who to pray for, when to pray, where to pray, and what you should pray for.

All Bible Teachings on Prayer

Questions about Prayer

Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others. But it is also much more than that. Intercession involves taking...

God hears every prayer no matter what method of praying you use: speaking, singing, or thinking. Even our actions can be a prayer to God.

The man who was petitioning got his request only because of his persistence--not because he was a neighbor or a friend, but because he kept on...

Believe in your heart that it has already happened! With the anointing of faith that God gives you, you speak it forth.

Jesus has given us the power to ask in His name, and it is a wonderful privilege of which we should take full advantage. But to misuse that power is...

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Devotionals about Prayer

We live in a world where suffering seems all too familiar to many of us. We can learn and apply many truths and healing principles to our lives by...

We need to come together as brothers and sisters in Christ and seek God for what is eternally important. When we lose the things that bind us...

What happens when we feel our prayers are unanswered? Life as we know it can get flipped upside down, and God may ask us to step out in obedience—...

Listening is an important aspect of prayer. Since God is all-knowing and all-powerful, it’s important to stop and hear what He has to say. God rarely...

What are you called to do for Christ? What are you called to do for the kingdom? Whatever it is, rise up and do it. Rise up as Jesus rose and...

All Devotionals on Prayer

Videos about Prayer

He heard a voice call his name and saw a vision of Christ. This was miraculous, because up until then, Kamal was a Muslim.

Vera Schmitz, co-founder of "Dwell Differently," offers insight on overcoming negative thinking through the simple act of memorizing God's truth....

Can I Really Trust God?

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Articles on Prayer

The Psalms command us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem so we set aside time to pray in accordance with Psalm 122.

Confession is agreeing with God that what He says is right and that you are doing things (sins) that go against His Word. It’s important to confess...

You can grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus the same way you would with anyone else.

Shay’s addiction ruled her life for ten years until she was arrested on nine felony drug charges and faced with a possible sentence of 22 years. She...

George Washington's prayer journal reflects the Christian heart of the founding father of the United States of America.

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