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Kirk Cameron Urges Us to be 'Fearless and Full of Faith' on Final Night of His 100-Day Campfire Revival

Image Source: Kirk Cameron/Facebook Screenshot
Image Source: Kirk Cameron/Facebook Screenshot

Kirk Cameron held a huge celebration Friday night for the 100th and final day of his "American Campfire Revival." Thousands watched the live event where Cameron and a group of friends gathered on a farm in Roopville, Georgia to worship and pray together around a massive bonfire.

He announced his own 100-day plan after the Biden administration rolled out its plan for the first 100 days after taking office. But Cameron's campaign incorporated Biblical discussions about truth that focused on restoration within the country and how we can become a more unified America. 

Cameron opened with a poignant prayer, highlighting that this final event was actually a night of "beginnings," then asked God to "spark a fire of revival in our hearts."

"Make us a Godly nation once again so that we can be a blessing to You and shine the light of Jesus out to the whole world. We pray that You would revive our nation and that You would set those in our civil government free from the captivity that comes from pride, greed, selfishness, and a lust for power."

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He said that for change to happen in our country, we must pull together as fearless men and women of God.

"This last 100 days has been a model of what we need to be doing across racial lines, denominational lines, gender lines, economic lines, and political lines," Cameron said to the group. "This has been a good example - these 100 days - and a model for what the church needs to be doing. We need to be unified. We need to gather together and engage, not separate and divide.

"We need to be fearless and full of faith right now. This is the moment that God has placed us on the stage of the world. The stakes are very high. I like freedom and comfort. I like when I'm not scared but there is so much at stake right now that we've got to let our love for people and our love for God swallow our fears and do what needs to be done in this moment. And that takes courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, it's the overcoming of it. We need men and women of courage right now."

Cameron urged parents to take a hard look at how their children are being discipled and whether that source is helping or hurting them.

"God might be calling you right now to get out of the bleachers and get into the arena, in terms of your involvement in your children's education," he declared. "Maybe you need to pull them out of public school and begin home educating them. Maybe you need to find a Christian school. Maybe you need to do whatever it takes and put everything on hold so you can pray and ask for God's direction in that area." 

"School is a discipleship program that lasts seven hours a day and five days a week. You can't overcome that with one hour of Sunday school or a youth group on Wednesday nights. Your children have been placed in your hands by God to disciple them and train them up in the way they should go. If they're not being trained in that way, you and I are responsible to adjust and recalibrate and God will help you," he added.

Cameron encouraged everyone to pay attention when God calls on them to serve, especially in leadership.

"God may be calling you right now to begin to vote for Godly men and women who are going into positions of leadership and running for public office. Some of you are being called to actually run for office or get on the school board. If good people fail to run, it creates a vacuum. Nature hates a vacuum. It will get filled with the wrong people if the right people don't step up."

And Cameron commented that he would like to see the 100-day spiritual campaign continue.

"This needs to go 365 days and it needs to go for 100 years. That's how we got to where we are. It's been 400 years since the Pilgrims landed on this country. They had a 100-year plan and others picked up the plan. We need to begin that 100-year plan."

He also announced his next initiative now that the American Campfire Revival had concluded.

"After this 100 days, I want to begin focusing on individual covenants that make up the great overarching covenant in this country and I want to start with the marriage covenant," he explained. "Restore and renew the marriage covenant with men and women all across the country as we walk through a powerful book together for 40 days. I'm going to build a campfire in my backyard again and we're going to begin to renew the marriage covenant.

"Then I want to move on to a family covenant with how we disciple our children and their education. I'd like to move on to our church covenant, then talk about a covenant with our work. I want our hearts and heads to be transformed and the works of our hands to be transformed, our homes to be transformed. Then we want to begin to pray and move into positions of civil government leadership and see the whole home of the United States of America transformed."

Cameron added, "You are the next step. You are the ones who have to take what we've been doing, and God's been doing, and you've got to take this somewhere else. With a personal revival in your heart, begin to spark a revival in some other area of culture where God has placed you in a position of influence. Wherever God has placed you, begin to do something. Be fearless, be full of faith and when you start to have doubts, ask yourself, how big is my God? He's big enough to take you where He wants you to go, to protect and bless you. He promises a good result."

To watch more episodes of American Campfire Revival, click here.

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