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Screaming & Horror: As New VIDEO Captures Quake's Power, Operation Blessing Releases Power of Hope

Mexico Earthquake Aftermath
Mexico Earthquake Aftermath

CBN's Esteban Castro in Mexico has acquired shocking video from the moment of the quake. CLICK PLAY above for this report from Mexico.

Days after a powerful earthquake struck central Mexico, thousands of firefighters, police, soldiers and civilians are working around-the-clock to rescue people.

"There are still people in there," said Evodia Dario Marcelina, a rescue volunteer at the site of a demolished building. "There are still people groaning. There are three more floors to remove rubble from. And you still hear people in there."

Emergency crews face a daunting challenge. Over 40 buildings collapsed in the capital city following Tuesday's 7.1 magnitude earthquake. Search teams are scouring through them all searching for survivors.

Mexico City's Social Development Department sent out a tweet saying, "We won't stop" until everyone has been rescued.  

CBN Disaster Relief has been on the scene since the first moments after the quake, quickly rushing aid to survivors. 

And Operation Blessing, which has a significant presence in the country, responded soon after the earthquake struck after noon, deploying people on motorcycles to distribute water and other essential supplies to some of the hardest hit areas of the city.
Within a few hours, hundreds got busy helping set up mobile kitchens and filling warehouses as they stepped up to meet the needs of their hurting neighbors.
Local authorities also joined a human chain of Operation Blessing volunteers as they packed vital supplies bound for some of the outlying areas near the quake's epicenter.  

David Darg, Operation Blessing's international vice president, traveled with local staff to the Puebla region, the epicenter of Tuesday's quake, to assess the extent of damage.

The team arrived late Wednesday night.

"Everywhere we look there are houses down, houses that are condemned," Darg narrated while filming scenes of destruction. "There are families sleeping out in the elements."

The Operation Blessing team brought a truckload full of tents and quickly set to work erecting the temporary shelter for scores of families who had lost homes.

"While the focus has been on Mexico City, this region has been largely unreached and Operation Blessing was the first NGO to reach many of the places we visited," Darg explains in an email.

At least 273 people have died so far, with Mexico City bearing the brunt of the deaths and damage.

More than 2,000 were also injured.

President Enrique Pena Nieto has declared three days of mourning for the victims.

Click here if you'd like to donate to the CBN Humanitarian and Disaster Relief effort in Mexico.


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