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This 'Machine Gun Preacher' Was Rescuing Kids Decades Before 'Sound of Freedom' Hit Theaters

"The Machine Gun Preacher" – American missionary Sam Childers
"The Machine Gun Preacher" – American missionary Sam Childers

The film "Sound of Freedom" is drawing much-needed attention to the global human trafficking crisis.

It's a $150 billion per year criminal industry affecting 25 million people worldwide.

Appearing on this week's episode of The Global Lane, the man called "The Machine Gun Preacher" – American missionary Sam Childers – explains why after more than 25 years, he's still rescuing children from traffickers in east Africa. You can watch that interview ABOVE.

WATCH: Amid 'Sound of Freedom' Media Attacks, Utah AG Doesn't Mince Words, Says 'Tim Ballard Is a Hero'


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