“Like angels flying in!”
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When a series of deadly tornadoes tore through Ohio, Anita barely escaped with her life.
“I was sleeping,” said Anita, “and I heard glass break, that made me get up. And when I came out of the bedroom, the tree fell right over top of my bed where I’d been laying.”
Part of the ceiling and piles of debris crashed into the spot Anita was lying just moments before.
“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the Lord,” said Anita. “I got a picture of the Lord, just of His hands — and that was right over my head. It didn’t touch that picture. And that made me feel so good.”
Insurance will take care of the house, but there’s a crushed shed and piles of belongings to sort through. Not only is Anita 73, but the years she spent working on a factory assembly line left her with painful injuries.
“I had to take a medical retirement in ’96,” said Anita. “I’ve had two back surgeries, arm surgery, hand surgeries, and I can’t do it like I used to do.”
Thankfully, Operation Blessing volunteers were already at work on her daughter’s house right down the street. When they learned about Anita, they were happy to find out how they could help.
“I seen you guys pull up, I seen those blue shirts and I thought, ‘It’s like angels flying in,’ said Anita. “They all gave me hugs. They’re God’s people, it’s like I’ve known ‘em forever.”
Our volunteers prayed with Anita and lifted her spirits. Then they got right to work.
“You guys have taken the pieces of the shed down and bagged up all the debris,” said Anita. “Sortin’ through my memories, and boxin’ up what’s not broke.”
“I thank everybody that donates to Operation Blessing,” said Anita. “They are a blessing, a big blessing and Jesus is right beside ‘em, you can see Him.”
Did you know?
CBN provides disaster relief from national offices around the world bringing aid where needed most: clean water, medical care, food, shelter, and basic essentials. Explore the life-changing work of CBN.