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‘America and Israel Must Stand Together’ - 7/26/24

Benjamin Netanyahu speaking before Congress, meeting w/ Pres. Biden and VP Harris separately. Amb. David Friedman with a proposal for how Israelis and Palestinians could move forward together. Israeli heroes highlighted in congressional speech.

Netanyahu Seeking Support in Washington 7/23/24

Netanyahu in the U.S. seeking bipartisan support for Israel. Dr. Michael Widlanski on the grim realities of war. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner and Shabbos Kestenbaum suing U.S. colleges. Prayers of thanks at the Western Wall for Trump's life being spared.

Houthi Drone Strike on Tel Aviv 7/19/24

Houthi drone strike on Tel Aviv. Support for Israel at 2024 Republican convention. Regent U brings new trauma therapy techniques to Israeli therapists. Israelis giving thanks at the Western Wall for failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

Northern Communities Remain Unsafe 7/16/24

Benjamin Netanyahu shares info about increasing incitement against Israeli leaders. IDF beating Hamas in Gaza after 9 months. The Israel Allies Foundation rallying European friends to action at the Hague. Analysis from watch.org's Bill Koenig.

IDF: “We Failed to Protect the Citizens of Israel” 7/12/24

The IDF admits failure on Oct 7. Avi Abelow from PulseofIsrael.com counters jihadist propaganda. Tikva Forum calls for pressing Hamas for hostages instead of Israeli government. Cowboys on the Golan Heights face forest fires from Hezbollah missiles.

Iran Expanding War Machine 7/09/24

Iran ramps up weapons manufacture for Hezbollah. Yemeni Christians suffer under persecution. Political analyst Amiad Cohen on war with Hezbollah, Alexander Dietze reaching out to Jewish people and Beatie Deutsch, Orthodox marathon champion.

The Bible Comes Alive at Ancient Shiloh 7/05/2024

Dr. Scott Stripling updates CBN News on the ongoing excavation at ancient Shiloh in biblical Samaria. The dig is uncovering the site of the Tabernacle, the Holy of Holies, and the location of the priestly portion of animal sacrifices.

Celebrating Freedom in the US and Israel 7/02/2024

A look at liberty and religious freedom in Israel and the US and the biblical roots that informed the founders’ understanding of basic freedoms as they created a new government. Plus, examining the meaning of separation of church and state.

Netanyahu Warns: Iran Marching Through Middle East 6/28/24

War w/Hezbollah imminent, PM Netanyahu warns Iran on the march through the Middle East. Supreme Court rules ultra-orthodox should be included in the draft. Grandson of a Nazi helps Holocaust victims. NOVA music festival survivors healing together.

Israeli Hostage Families Sue UNRWA 6/25/24

Israeli troops finishing up in Gaza, moving north to face Hezbollah. Hostage families sue UNRWA for aiding and abetting Hamas. Analysis from John Waage, Paul Strand. Bishop Robert Stearns speaks with Gordon Robertson re:new book, "Rise and Rebuild."

War with Hezbollah Fast Approaching 6/21/24

Public debate in Israel regarding "the day after" in Gaza. Studies reveal Gaza never had a famine. Young Jewish leaders pitch ideas to fight anti-Semitism on college campuses. Analysis from Itamar Marcus (Palestinian Media Watch) and Michele Bachmann.

Hezbollah Attacks Increase; US Urges Restraint 6/18/24

Increased Hezbollah attacks as the Biden admin. urges Israel to trust diplomacy. Dr. Mordechai Kedar on radical Islam's media jihad. Interview with Noa Tishby & Emmanuel Acho on "Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew" and US/UK pastors visit Israel.

Striking Hard at Hezbollah 6/14/2024

Israel strikes Hezbollah in Lebanon. New survey shows Palestinian support for Hamas. Analysis from Itamar Marcus (Palestinian Media Watch) and Tricia Miller (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis). Nick Vujicic visits soldiers.

U.S. Lobbies for Ceasefire While Israelis Celebrate Rescue 6/11/2024

Antony Blinken makes 8th trip to Israel to lobby for a ceasefire. Details on the daring rescue which freed four hostages in Gaza. News analysis from Alex Traiman (Jewish News Syndicate) and Chuck Holton. Teaching segment on Jewish holiday of Shavuot.

Israel Strikes UNRWA School Sheltering Top Terrorists 6/07/2024

Israel strikes an UNRWA school sheltering terrorists. Once-thriving towns and farms in Israel's north decimated by Hezbollah rockets. Plus, celebrating Jerusalem Day and Brad Young's "The Newer Testament" bringing fresh meaning to the words of Jesus.

U.S. Pressure for a Ceasefire Deal 6/04/2024

Pressure from the U.S. over a ceasefire deal plus analysis from Caroline Glick. Lawsuits against radical Islamic instigators on US college campuses and a new book reveals info about a faction within NSA that mislead Israel prior to the Yom Kippur War.

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