Devastating Medical News Leads to Spiritual Awakening
"I would have seizures in grocery stores, in restaurants, all over the place. They finally put me on something that would slow them down a little, but I still had them 3-5 times a day.”
After suffering a seizure at work, Marie Spencer was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. A disease doctors told her might eventually take her life. Friends and family witnessed the toll it took on Marie.
“She was in bed 24/7, all day,” remembers her son Samuel. “If she wanted to get around anywhere, she got on her scooter and a caretaker had to help her get on there.”
Her friend Leila remembers how bad it was, “Marie used to be pretty much bedridden. She had caretakers around the clock.”
Marie says she was, “I was existing, just existing. (I was) going through life, every day, existing, without a purpose or a destiny. And, the next step was to put me in a nursing home.”
Her friend Julie, who was a Christian, gave Marie the Bible on tape and encouraged her to listen. “It just was uplifting to me,” says Marie. “I would just listen to it, over and over and over—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, just over and over and over again. It just—it kind of gave me hope. It gave me something that I never had before.”
Marie started going to a Bible study with her friend. Leila says, “It was very common for Marie to have a seizure during the Bible study. She sometimes would pass out. Her body would shake and quiver. She would be exhausted afterwards.”
“And they would just love me,” recalls Marie, “They would just meet me where I was at. They would love me, and they would just tell me about the Lord.”
Her friends prayed for Marie to be healed, despite her worsening condition and doctor’s grim prognosis. “And they said, ‘You know God could heal you.’ And these women were telling me. And I got offended,” says Marie. “’How dare you put hope where they absolutely say the prognosis is, this is what’s going to happen. How dare you put so much hope in my life?’”
Leila says, “We prayed for Marie because we wanted her complete and whole. We believed God had more for her.”
The more she listened to the gospels and attended Bible study, the more she became open to supernatural healing. Marie eventually agreed to go to a Women’s Aglow healing service.
Before the service Marie got alone and prayed. “I prayed a simple prayer. It was the only prayer I really knew to pray was, ‘Lord, I’m ready to receive everything you have for me.’ And that’s pretty much all I said.”
But as the service began Marie had the worst seizure of her life. “I ended up on the floor and my friend said, ‘God’s got this. Don’t worry about it. He’s got this.’ The ladies came over and prayed for me, and Jesus took the seizure away.”
Marie asked to receive Jesus into her life and also prayed to be completely healed of MS. Immediately, she says she felt something leave her body. “And she looked at me straight in the eye and she said, ‘You foul spirit of MS, you come out of her right now in the name of Jesus Christ.’ And it went whoosh, right out of the side of my head.”
“I got up and walked very quickly through all these ladies and I was walking and then I went into the hallway and I ran as fast as I could back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. And as I was running, the Holy Spirit was telling me, ‘You’re healed! You’re healed! You’re healed! And I was crying. It was just incredible. One minute I’m not walking or talking or anything; the next minute I’m like I am now. No seizures, no nothing.”
Her son Samuel remembers when she came home from the service, “When my mom came home and said she was healed, me and my brothers and my dad kind of looked at her and went, ‘What?’ She got up and started walking around and we were telling her not to do that. She might fall. But she just kept doing it and we were extremely happy.”
“I knew Marie before her healing, and to see her now is unbelievable, but it’s, you know, God’s—God can do that,” says Leila.
Marie says her entire life has changed since her healing. She now is actively involved in healing ministries and takes mission trips to Panama. “With Jesus living in me and the Holy Spirit doing the work, it’s a lot better. Definitely.”
“It’s awesome to see who she is now,” says Leila. “She isn’t just satisfied being healed, she’s out ministering to people and God’s using her.”
“I’ve not had a seizure in eight years. No matter what disease or disorder, Jesus is real. He is our Healer; He says it in His Word. I believed Him and I received it,” says Marie. “By His stripes we are healed. And He says, ‘we are’, not ‘you might be’, we are. So I happen to believe that.”