Ellen Kunes and Frances Largeman-Roth: The CarbLover's Diet

CBN.com For decades, Americans have had a fear of carbs.  We were told that carbohydrates make us gain weight; so going on a diet meant not eating bread, pasta or pizza.  But, as The CarbLover's Diet authors Ellen Kunes and Frances Largeman-Roth discovered, new breakthrough research shows that eating carbs with “Resistant Starch” (or RS) can actually make us thin. 

Scientists at The University of Colorado Health Sciences Center for Human Nutrition uncovered new evidence that revealed that eating the right carbs is the best way to get and stay slim.  These exciting new studies showed certain carb-rich foods act as metabolism boosters and appetite suppressants in the body. 

The truth is that low-carb diets leave us feeling deprived, but limiting your carbs over the long haul doesn’t work.  “We are hardwired to crave carbohydrates,” says Kunes. 

In The CarbLovers Diet, Kunes and Largeman-Roth reintroduce carboydrate-rich foods.  There are two types of starches.  One is a high-glycemic starch, which is absorbed in the bloodstream quickly and raises insulin levels.  Another is called Resistant Starch, so named because it resists digestion.  (Nearly 200 studies have been conducted on RS and published in peer-reviewed medical journals like the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Most people consume only 4.8 grams of Resistant Starch a day but researchers believe we need more for optimal health and weight loss.  CarbLovers menus include 10 to 15 grams daily.  Within the CarbLovers Diet, there are five rules to consuming carbs. 

  1. Eat a CarbStar at every meal (High-in-Resistant-Starch carbs): unripe bananas (resistant starch turns to sugar in ripe bananas), oatmeal, beans/lentils, potatoes, whole-grain pasta, barley, brown rice, peas, rye/pumpernickel bread, polenta and potato chips (yes, potato chips!). 
  2. Balance your plate.  CarbStars should take up one quarter of the plate; the rest should be lean meats and low-fat dairy, good fats, fruits and veggies.
  3. Be portion savvy. The carbs will help you feel full so there is very little hunger.
  4. Never deprive yourself.  We end up bingeing when depriving ourselves of our favorite foods. 
  5. Build a power pantry.  Stock your pantry with CarbStars and other important foods.

In addition to fish, lean meat and low-fat dairy, CarbLovers includes baked potates, sweet potatoes, yams and even potato chips (potatoes contain a natural source of proteinase inhibitor, a type of protein that increases levels of satiety hormones.)  Beans contain soluable and nonsoluable fiber (makes you feel full).  Whole grains and brown rice satisfy our cravings for crunch and chewiness.  Veggies like cucumbers, broccoli and artichokes contain almost no calories and are loaded with fiber.  Certain fruits, like bananas, are high in RS and are a great source of soluable fiber. 

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