700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Tired of those, “senior moments?” There’s a way to retrain your brain and live a full life along the way. Plus, the true story of a dying church that...

To build a better brain, watch what you put in your body. Learn how to eat right and live smarter. Plus, the fight to keep the Dead Sea alive. Why is...

They say old habits are hard to break, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Learn how to retrain your brain. Plus, how victims of Isis are getting a...

Learn how to save a life when a stroke happens and how to prevent a stroke from happing in the future. Then, confessions of a meth user. See how she...

Learn what the experts are doing to ward off Alzheimer’s. Plus, a race war came to the church and one group fought back with love.

A man takes a hike along the Appalachian Trail and meets God along the way. Plus, the incredible story of a Marine who stepped on an IED and lived.

Christian singer Natalie Grant finds her voice without making a sound. Plus, a woman who wants to die nearly gets her wish.

There’s a top-secret mission to spread the gospel inside North Korea. Plus, Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson remembers his Super Bowl...

Former CBS reporter Sharyl Atkinson exposes the people who control your newsfeed. Plus, award-winning singer Nicole C. Mullen joins us live.

A man on a motorcycle watches as a car crosses into his lane. Next, he’s flat on the street with a mysterious visitor by his side. Then, a live...

Meet the American hero blinded in Iraq, but now opening eyes in Washington about the plight of our veterans. Plus, a six-year-old becomes a Civil...

An adult film star on top of the industry walks away after hearing a Bible story. Plus, author and speaker Lisa Harper goes on a happiness journey...

He’s the neuroscientist who became the NFL’s worst nightmare. Dr. Bennet Omalu opens up about his groundbreaking research. Then, she tried meds and...

Meet the 5-year-old worship leader who’s also a YouTube sensation. Plus, a baby battles for his life while his family posts a call to prayer. See how...

Thirteen and addicted to pornography. A teenage girl with nowhere to turn for help finds a way of escape. Plus, doctors tell one woman there is no...

Six months of brutal back pain is supernaturally healed in an instant. Plus, a man without arms and legs dreams the impossible dream and makes it to...


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