700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Heartbroken families are finding the strength to forgive the South Carolina church shooter. Plus, an undercover mission to bust prostitution rings...

Ruby Bridges remembers the day that changed America when, as a six-year-old, she became a Civil Rights hero just by walking to school. Plus, author...

Duck Dynasty’s Sadie Robertson shares why she wants to motivate young people to live up to their potential. Plus, two days old and fighting for his...

The opioid addictions in America’s heartland are skyrocketing and consequences are deadly. Plus, the two-time gold medal winning skeet shooter...

She earned four gold medals in Rio and is one of the most decorated American gymnasts of all time. Simone Biles shares her journey to the podium and...

See why the sons of Soviet genocide are prepping for war on the borders of Russia. Plus, the spiritual head inside the halls of Congress, Senate...

Learn about the prayer that launched a movement one hundred believers strong. Plus, a football player embarks on an unlikely second career in the...

They served our country, but they don’t have a place to call home. CBN News explores America’s growing crisis. Plus, inside the winning playbook from...

Meet those standing by to keep you safe on Sunday morning. Plus, the pastor’s wife at the center of a storm. Riva Tims opens up about the scandal...

A baby needs a transplant and her parents need a miracle. Watch their daughter get a new heart just in time for Valentine’s Day.

See how a “health share” is revolutionizing the way some Christians approach medical insurance. Plus, a drug trafficker makes a deal that saves his...

Doctors gave Art a death sentence, so he tried an unconventional treatment and received miraculous results. Plus, convict turned CEO, Jay Coughlan...

Legendary college basketball coach John Cialipar shares thoughts on true leadership. Plus, one woman experiences healing on the worst day of her life...

Author Wendy Baisley Roache remains unbroken after a devastating family tragedy. Plus, Brian grew up in a dysfunctional home that he couldn’t escape...

People in Russia are on edge after a raid in broad daylight to arrest a mild-mannered missionary. Plus, a biker is lucky to be alive after she was...

Author Bob Goff is a best-selling storyteller who turns the ordinary into the incredible. Plus, a traumatic brain injury to their six-year-old...


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