700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Celebrity chef Aaron McCargo, Jr. discusses the importance of his faith in front of the camera and in real life, and Rosemary Fisher shares her story...

Florence Johnson remembers her mother's negative spiritual influence and the impact that it had on her adult life, and Tim Thompson lost his brother...

John Lee Hooker, Jr. slid into a lifestyle of excessive drug use that eventually put him in the hospital where he cried out to Jesus, and bad...

The tale of two Rangers. Country music's Keni Thomas shares about his time as an Army Ranger, and Texas Ranger Josh Hamilton talks about his...

Guest Wellington Boone shares his insight on the power of utilizing the Holy Spirit when we pray, and the story of Joe Fornear who beat a stage four...

The doctor behind 'The South Beach Diet,' Dr. Arthur Agatston joins us to discuss the danger of poor eating and sleeping habits on the younger...

Brenda Warner discusses her life before and during her marriage to former NFL star Kurt, and Debbie Patten struggled to comprehend her father's...

Shawn Brown talks faith and baseball with players from the Cardinals and Rangers at the World Series and preview the new movie, The Mighty Macs.

Michelle Aguilar shares her experience of winning Season 6 of The Biggest Loser, and how her faith in Jesus Christ helped her along the way, and At...

Abused and neglected as a child, Tania slid into a life of prostitution, and popular Christian music artist, Dorothy Savage, shares her story of...

Dr. William Davis shares the secret of his dramatic weight loss, eliminating wheat, and Tim Tebow will soon make his first start of the 2011 NFL...

Paula shares classic and new Southern cooking experiences, and Dede Nesbitt didn't believe her step-father loved her as a child, so she spent her...

David was a Christian and pursuing a calling to the ministry, but he had a secret addiction to pornography that had shackled him since childhood, and...

Michael Belk was a successful photographer who hit a dark place of fear and panic in life from which he couldn't escape on his own, and NHL star Mike...

Pat Robertson brings another offering from his Secret Kingdom series and Regent University's Dr. Alan Arroyo and Dr. Carlos Campo join Pat to discuss...

Greg was an extremely overweight pastor who became convicted about the stronghold of gluttony, and a runaway teen chooses life on the street, but...


Full Episodes

Experience the Holocaust through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl. Helga shares her story of being ripped from her home and sent to a concentration...

Ross Johnston was raised by two mothers, but his life was transformed by the Father’s love. Plus, see how China is using a combat-free strategy...

A runner collapses and her husband attempts CPR. First responders find no pulse. See how she survives after being unconscious for twenty-eight...

Retired professional wrestler Hulk Hogan gets excited when talking about his relationship with Jesus. See why he’s all the way in with Christ as his...


A firefighter suffers multiple fractures and a brain injury after falling 100 feet to the ground. See how he becomes a walking miracle on today’s 700...

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