700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

With over 100,000 dollars of debt, Rick and Jan make an interesting decision to give more, and CBN helps a little Guatemalan girl and her...

Mike Dyson takes a risk leaving his stressful corporate job, but the move pays off with a much higher quality of life, and CBN helps an 11-year old...

Learn how Jennifer Maggio went from being on welfare to a six-figure corporate job, and the see the story of a 9-year old Nicaraguan girl who who...

Scott lost his landscaping business due to poor decisions and a bad economy. Shekita was a single mother on the verge of losing her home. Find out...

Dr. Jim Sears, from the talk show, The Doctors, joins us to discuss keeping families healthy and whole, and the story of Joe Farley who was left...

Pastor Jonathan Falwell shares about his experience with prayer and the Truth of following Christ, and Charity Gibson was abducted at gun point, but...

Meredith Parker was a new mom adjusting to life with a newborn at home when she suffered a massive heart attack on today's 700 Club.

Author and speaker Lisa Bevere discusses the vision that God gave her in 1994 to expand her boundaries beyond being a timid preacher's wife, and the...

The 700 Club honors the 10th anniversary of 9/11 with incredible survival stories of Tony Rose who was in the Pentagon when the plan strcuk and...

CBN News' Wendy Griffith joins us on The 700 Club to discuss her new book, Praying the News, and the unbelievable story of a little boy who was run...

Dr. Kevin Leman offers some keys to relational success with your teens, and the story of Angus Buchan went from a simple farmer to an international...

Serita Jakes shares how important the role of faith becomes when we are faced with trauma in life, and Stephen Easton chose to hang out with the...

Abuse and neglect left Mary with little hope for a future and she used drugs to cope with the pain, and Gordon Robertson ventures into the kitchen to...

Comedian Michael Jr reminds us of the importance of laughter as he performs live in our studio, and the story of Linda Settles who endured 28 years...

Cynthia Dry was confused about religion until she met and married a Muslim man, but questions remained, and the story of June Wennagel who was...


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