700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

A military family faces a money crisis with no way to buy Christmas gifts for their boys. See how they were helped just in the nick of time. Plus,...

A man with 2 years to live gets the cardiac transplant he needs WITHOUT surgery courtesy of a “white Christmas.” Plus, a struggling military family...

Fifteen minutes without a pulse and one man’s life is slipping away. So why are doctors calling this patient a “Christmas Miracle?” Plus, a glimpse...

A mysterious virus sends a father into a coma. His fever spikes. His breathing slows. His blood clots. So how does he make a complete recovery? See...

A virus is killing a young boy and no one can stop it. See a miraculous survival story on today’s 700 Club.

A cancer survivor must defy the odds again after a frantic rush to the ER. Plus, an all-new Q&A session with Superbook star Gizmo on today’s 700...

One man makes a surprising discovery while attempting to fill the void of a father in his life. Plus, CBN News exposes the next battleground of jihad...

It’s one of the most incredible comebacks you’ll see on the field this year and this one took place before the kickoff. Kentucky football star Josh...

A biker crashes while not wearing a helmet. Doctors fear he could be brain dead. See how this miracle man makes it home in time for Christmas on...

Author Nina Keegan shares about her new “100 Days with God” devotional. Plus, Pastor Allen Jackson issues a call to revival for the church on today’s...

A woman escapes “the game” of human trafficking after 17 years. See what she’s doing today to help rescue other enslaved girls. Plus, discover how...

Pat Robertson takes on the issues that matter to you. From the salacious to the spiritual, whatever you ask, get ready to now. What will happen at...

Decking the halls turns deadly when one man takes a 30 foot fall and goes 30 minutes without a pulse. Witness a Christmas miracle on today’s 700 Club.

A teenage dare turns deadly. First comes the shock and then the guilt. See the message received from beyond the grave on today’s 700 Club.

The gift one woman longed for was the one she couldn’t have. See how she finally got her greatest present delivered right on Christmas morning on...

One woman’s family relationships never yield the love and security she needs, until a connection with her creator changes everything. Plus, the...


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