700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Alabama’s championship-winning quarterback is taking his talents to the NFL. The former Crimson Tide star takes us inside the mind of a winner and...

A woman trapped in the world of sex trafficking makes a daring escape in the face of death threats. Plus, author Yael Eckstein shares the importance...

A man is slammed by a stroke and his life is slipping away. One patient experiences healing and that’s not the only miracle. This story and more on...

A young boy’s muscles are “melting away,” so his family begins the fight for his life. Plus, one pastor’s experience of moving church online during...

It’s survival of the fittest as one tough guy takes on the world, but what happens when he meets his match, on today’s 700 Club.

Actor and author Kevin Sorbo reveals his “True Faith” and the miracles that saved his life. Plus, a young man with no future resigns to drinking...

A robbery escalates to attempted homicide, but something stops the crime. Plus CBN News sits down with the head of the White House’s Coronavirus Task...

In nothing less than a modern day resurrection, see how a stroke survivor makes a full recovery. Plus, one man’s out-of-body experience from his...

Remember Holy Week with a 700 Club classic. Sculptor Gil Amelio recreates the final night of Jesus. From the taunts of the soldiers to the nails on...

An artist’s work comes to life after a divine inspiration on Good Friday. Plus, Body by Jake’s Jake Steinfeld shares how you can get moving without...

Global evangelist Daniel Kolenda shares his secret to spiritual warfare. Plus, Dr. David Perlmutter brings the science behind disease and what it...

Two brushes with death didn’t stop this drinker from getting behind the wheel again. Listen as she relives the accident and how she survived another...

A woman receives a cancer diagnosis with no hope for a cure. She chooses hope and a miraculous healing follows. Plus, an encouraging look at how to...

A young man journeys from being a drug dealer to an addict and that wasn’t his only vice. See how he stands in front of a judge and beats the rap on...

Pat Robertson takes on the issues that matter to you. Why did God create Satan? Is it wrong to receive government assistance? How can I get out of a...

A teenager is sent to prison on Riker’s Island and makes a name for himself on day one. Plus, a newlywed goes under the knife and you won’t believe...


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