700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

A missionary fights for his life after a deadly diagnosis. Plus, a track star is thrown from his friend’s car and his parents are left holding on to...

A work-a-holic and an alcoholic was drinking himself into an early grave. See what saved his life. Plus, behind the scenes on Capitol Hill with...

See a side of Scott Ross that you’ve never seen before as he and his wife take a look back at fifty years of ministry and marriage. Plus, after two...

They’re the brothers who took a stand for their faith and lost their TV show because of it. Now, the Benhams tell us what happened before being...

On today’s 700 Club, Act One in the story of America and a four-hundred year-old prayer that is still being answered today. Plus, Heidi Baker shares...

A chilling dream comes true and leaves one woman’s sister fighting for her life. Plus, author and speaker Mo Isom digs down into the conversations...

Face-to-face with a hungry shark, one diver has to fight for her life against one of natures greatest predators.

A car smashed by a a truck puts a young woman in the ER fighting for life. Watch her make a miraculous recovery.

A young athlete wakes up paralyzed from the waist down. See how a dream gets him back on the court. Plus, Congressman Steve Scalise takes us back to...

A teen is rushed to the ER and then lapses into a coma. Watch one family’f fight for life. Plus, CBN kicks off our annual “Week of Prayer."

They were captured and tortured by ISIS. Some were trained to kill. Others were sold into slavery. Meet the group on a mission to bring them back...

There’s a group breaking down barriers because lives are at stake. Now, they’re reaching out across borders and changing hearts in more ways than one...

A massive 7.8 earthquake strikes the heart of Kathmandu. Watch as Israeli teams band together to save lives as our series, "To Life" continues on The...

Meet the unlikely heroes on the frontlines of a humanitarian crisis as Syrian refugees arriving in Europe are running straight into the arms of...

Catch the beginning of our series, “To Life” and see how new technology is saving lives in the desert. Plus, see how people like you saved a family...

Christian music star Mandisa shares how she overcame depression. Plus, a musician miraculously survives a car crash and dreams of playing piano again.


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