700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

After 60 years of marriage, Tom and Maity have learned what it takes to be financially fulfilled and love life. Hear their inspiring story and apply...

The pandemic left many families without steady work for months. Normally plentiful food was in scarce supply. A food ministry in Tennessee struggled...

Imagine being six figures in debt and you and your spouse both losing your jobs. Seem hopeless? Murphy and Melissa walked through this and came out...

A church in North Carolina quickly realized that the most vulnerable—the elderly—couldn’t travel to their food distribution center. So, they took the...

Omar and Danielle Gonzalez began their relationship focused on the instant gratification of drugs, alcohol, and sex, but they learned that to...

Having been overcome by pain, Elizabeth Verver stood at the precipice of suicide when a stronger voice of hope beckoned her to choose life.

Through two job losses and a massive heart attack, Michael and his wife, Marissa, have overcome a lot. When money was short, they chose an important...

Gordon and Terry pray for you and deliver words of knowledge through the power of the Holy Spirit for your healing.

A mother in Tanzania named her precious baby boy “Innocent.” The child was born with a life-threatening cyst at the back of his head, but the local...

Barbara was a school bus monitor. Hannah worked two jobs in food service. When COVID-19 hit, and they lost their jobs, it became a challenge to put...

Luis and Yvette were living the rich life they thought they wanted. When Luis got a shocking medical diagnosis, their medical bills and debt...

Abused and assaulted by a foster dad, Schwartzen found sanctuary on the basketball court where his natural abilities gave him identity, but this only...

Francisca is a skilled seamstress who made her living crafting quality apparel in Mexico. Suddenly, she lost her livelihood to the pandemic. How...

Barb had 20 surgeries in seven years and is medically fragile. Her fear of COVID-19 stopped her from seeking outside help. Panic set in as she ran...

The Vaughan’s were $85,000 in debt early in their marriage. They took action to start paying it off, committing to one very important financial...

When her husband walked out, leaving her to raise three small children, Diana went to work, driving a motorcycle shuttle for school kids and selling...


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