700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

How do I know if Jesus is listening to me? I talk to Him every day and thank Him for things and for the life I have, but sometimes it feels like I...

Should women be called on to anoint an ill person with oil and should they be called on to lay on hands?

How do I receive the gift of speaking in tongues? I’ve had people pray for me, but I don't know how to receive the gift.

It says in Psalm five that God hates those who do wickedness. But God is LOVE. He created us and is not willing for any to perish. He sent His son...

Is there Scripture to support that the mentally challenged will be in heaven?

Besides the Scripture that says, "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem," are there any other Scriptures we should pray over Israel?

DEBRA - How can a person be confident in scripture with translations and possible revisions made? GOMES - Hello friends, I live and work in the UK. I...

What can we do w/a mother who complains about everything? I don't work and my husband is not a Christian, so he doesn't pay our tithes. Am I...

DEAN - Please tell me if tattoos are sinful. I think I have read that in the Bible. Could you tell me where I can find it? HELEN - I was watching...

SUE - I’ve read if you pray for something, if you have faith, it will be answered–no need to pray again for it. However, I also read to “pray without...

PAM - When Paul prayed to "remove the thorn from his flesh" was he asking for physical healing?

I know that the Bible says not to deal with stolen possessions; do I sell it, or do I destroy it? Why does our family have to go through so much...

Can God remove miracles from someone if they continue to sin? How many months of food should we have in storage in case of a disaster? How can I make...

I've suffered from a pornography addiction for a few years now. I know it's wrong, and my parents and pastors have prayed for me and have given me...

My husband is friends with his old girlfriends and meets them for coffee. Is this behavior of his okay, and am I just insecure?

Have I been committing a sin by celebrating Christmas and including Santa Claus? I believe the love is gone from our marriage; what is your advice?


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