700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Our adult son moved in with his girlfriend. If he should die, would he go to hell even though he say's he's a Christian? What do you suggest a friend...

Two years ago our daughter cut us out of her life. I feel it is dishonoring for our sons to join in her rebellion, am I wrong? We are two older...

I am going through my second divorce. Does God still love me? Pat would you please explain Matthew 13:30 to me?

Is boxing okay for young kids in a Christian church? Pat, on the November 9th show, you remarked that after death, we go to be with the Lord...

Is it too late to be forgiven for the 500th time? Will people who have unattractive bodies become skinny in heaven, so they won't be miserable with...

Recently I found out that my husband has been seeing another woman for all 10 years of our marriage and has a 3-year-old son with her. I do not know...

Is all sugar bad or just refined sugar? When we die, do we go to heaven? Or do we remain in the grave until Jesus returns? Does God really exist? Do...

Why do you say "Amen" twice after praying? Who is Karma? Is it true that if a saved man does not treat his wife right, he will be judged and denied...

I am bothered about my inability to correct my lustful sin. Will I still go to Heaven? I no longer have a husband, brother, or mother and I don't...

My husband suffers from sex addiction. Is Divorce okay in this situation? Have I done too many horrible things to receive the grace of God? Has God...

Sometimes after I pray to God I will ask myself: "Will God really do this?" What if it doesn't happen? My question to you is : Is doubting God a sin...

So many people are suffering because of the Affordable Care Act. Why is there not a plan by the current Congress to help? I thought partial birth...

My sister told me she see's ghosts. She says they are in "Limbo", is this biblical? Could you ask Pat to reveal what fish oil he uses? Has my lack of...

I've been to rehab 3 times, foster care twice—and I'm there currently— and I've been in multiple placements and mental hospitals for behavioral...

If your spouse has committed adultery, but has repented and asked for forgiveness, is it still okay to divorce them? Please help me understand the...


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