700 Club CBN Shows

The 700 Club

700 Club Episodes & Videos

Can someone mess up someone else's spirit against their will?

Could Gordon please explain what he meant when he said you don't have to repent to be saved? The example he used, the thief on the cross, did show...

Can anyone receive any or all of the spiritual gifts, or does God only give us specific ones? And how can I figure out what my gift is

Gordon, before the pandemic my wife and I attended our local church weekly. Since the start of the pandemic and $4-plus per gallon of gas, we stream...

I was wondering, when we pray, do we have to pray for a certain length of time for God to hear us? And do we pray in a certain way for our prayers to...

Do you think Christian nationalism will turn America around for the better? Do you think more Christian churches in America should be into Christian...

Please explain this verse: “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” Romans 8:16 (NKJV). HOW do we KNOW God's...

How is it possible to have heaven here on earth with unsaved people still here? Satan is going to be released after the 1000 years. What happens to...

Is there a point where God will give up on me?

Could you explain what the Bible means by the passage, "You will know them by their fruits?" Is it material things, or is it the way that they love...

Is there a Scripture that we can stand on and declare if we need a financial miracle?

NATHANIEL - Where was Jesus’ Spirit after the crucifixion, but before He was raised by Father God? JANE - If God “sets up kings and princes,” why...

Can you explain to me what a spiritual awakening is? I do not know what that is, or if I will ever have one. I am a Christian.

What does this verse mean— Matthew 18:18: “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in...

KATHLEEN - Hi, I have a question from my 84-year-old mom who is concerned that being cremated is against God’s plan. Is this true? Please let me know...


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