God Loves Ugly

Christa has traveled the world with renowned artists such as The Jonas Brothers, Michael W. Smith and Israel Houghton and worked with performers such as American Idol’s Jordin Sparks.  While Christa’s singing, songwriting and violin abilities have attracted critical acclaim, she started her songwriting career during one of the most difficult times in her life.  When Christa admitted herself in a treatment facility for eating disorders for 40 days, she picked up an old guitar.  She started writing songs that helped her cope with the pain of her addictions including God Loves Ugly and Was I the Only One recorded by Jordin Sparks. 

Her father was a pastor and Christa grew up hearing that God loved her.  However, Christa’s earliest memories outside the home were sexual.  She had been molested at the age of 3.  “I don’t want this [interview] to be about molestation,” says Christa.  The belief system that “I’m dirty and unlovable” is so powerful that if a person believes any of the lies, they will act according to what they believe.  “You live according to your beliefs,” says Christa.  “Your beliefs come from your experience and you have to experience the love of the Father.”  Because she believed the lies that she was unloveable, Christa says she grew up acting accordingly.  “I have an amazing family but I didn’t believe them.  I grew up in church, playing music, singing in choir and performing Easter specials.  The love of the Father is unconditional, but we can stiff arm that.”  Christa struggled with self-hatred.  “The eating disorder was always about power,” she says.  While she couldn’t have control over her sexual abuse, her emotions or her appearance, she always had power over food. As a rebellious teen, Christa turned to alcohol and drugs.

In 1999, Christa was drained. Christa was working as a counselor at a sports camp in Missouri the summer before her senior year in college and was obsessed with food, struggling with anorexia and bulimia. Christa had reached the bottom.  She looked in the mirror and hated the way she looked.  Christa’s skin was a mess from the toxins; she was putting on weight.  By the time summer was over, she was too embarrassed to go back to school.  One day in August, Christa called her dad.  She said, “Dad, I don’t think I have the guts to kill myself, but I need help.  I’m afraid I just don’t have the strength to live anymore.”  Her dad drove through the night to rescue her from school and she checked into a rehab facility.  During her stay, Christa learned about her addictions and knew she would have to manage them for the rest of her life.   

Christa knew of and read about the promises of God in the Bible that spoke of complete breakthrough and freedom.  “I knew that if it was a promise then it was possible,” she says.  Six years ago, Christa met Lucas.  They were married in 2007 at The Call Nashville (after the ceremony, she jumped on stage and played with Michael W. Smith).  Two months after the wedding, Lucas caught Christa binge eating.  “I didn’t go into my marriage entirely free from my eating disorder,” she says.  “There I was in the dirtiest, ugliest place.”  She was in the kitchen and Lucas had a bag of chips in his hand.  He said, “If you have to binge, I don’t want you to binge alone.”  “This part of me was so unloveable,” says Christa.  “Lucas saw me in that pig pen and crawled in there with me.  The Father does that with us and never leaves.  As we allow him to love us in those place, then everything shifts.”  Her shame was broken and Christa was completely free.  She believes total freedom exists this side of heaven.  “1 John 4:19 says we love Him because He first loved us.  It’s a relationship with a real being,” she says.  There is a root to every behavior.  “Change the belief system and the fruit will change,” says Christa.  “The solution to every heart problem we have is the unconditional love of God.”  Christa will perform “God Loves Ugly.”

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