Jillian Michaels: Weight Loss Gets Some Tough Love

When explaining why it's important to combine healthy eating with exercise, Jillian tells people to think of the human body as a car.

“If you’re not eating right, and you’re not getting enough exercise, you are gaining pounds and moving in reverse. If you are either eating right or exercising, that is like idling in neutral. When you eat right and exercise properly, you will finally be able to kick-start yourself into drive,” says Jillian.

Jillian says weight loss is simple math: you must burn more calories than you consume. Calories are a measure of the amount of energy provided by the food you eat; the more calories you eat, the more energy you are giving your body. If you give your body more energy than it can use, whatever you don't use will be stored as fat. The number of calories you burn in a day is known as your active metabolic rate (AMR). Rates vary from person to person.

To keep track of your daily food intake Jillian says there are some simple methods you can adopt to help stay on target with your weight loss goals.

1) Start keeping a food journal of absolutely everything you eat throughout the day (be sure to include how the food was prepared and how much you ate).

2) Purchase a kitchen scale and measuring cups to help you with portion control. Or if eating out, here are some useful tips for assessing portion size using your hand.

  • The size of your fist is roughly equal to a cup-size serving of cereal, etc.
  • The size of your thumb is roughly equal to an ounce-size serving of cheese, etc.
  • The tip of your thumb is roughly equal to a teaspoon of olive oil or butter.
  • The center of the palm of your hand, without fingers, is roughly equal to a 3-ounce serving of fish, chicken, beef, etc.

3) At the end of the day, use a calorie-counter book one that includes information on protein, fat, and carbohydrate content to add up the calories you have consumed. Using these simple methods, you can make sure you are eating the right amount of calories to achieve your weight-loss goals. Jillian recommends weight loss of no more than 2 pounds a week for creating a healthy lifestyle.

Jillian says there is more to losing weight and getting healthy than just staying within your caloric range for the week. As you restrict your caloric intake, it is absolutely essential that you eat the right kinds of food to build muscle, strengthen your immune system, and stay energized while losing weight. Jillian says that would be simple if we all had the same metabolic type. There is no one diet that works for everyone. She says we are all different and need to diet according to our specific body characteristics. Everyone's body is unique in the way our cells convert nutrients to energy therefore it is essential that you understand your metabolic type. Metabolic typing is how your body processes what you eat: protein, carbohydrates and fats. Jillian says once you know more about how the nutrients in your food act on your system, you can avoid a lot of unnecessary pitfalls and really maximize your results as you continue on your journey toward total health. Most people can be classified into three basic groups: Fast oxidizers, slow oxidizers, and balanced oxidizers.

1) Fast Oxidizers should eat foods with more proteins and fats in order to slow down their rate of oxidation and insulin release, and to better promote stable blood sugar and sustained energy levels. It is important to make sure there is protein in everything you eat including snacks. Foods that are ideal for you (Protein) bacon, beef, dark meat chicken, etc.; (Carbs) mushrooms, spinach, olives, etc.; (Fats) sunflower seeds, peanuts, almonds, etc.

2) Slow Oxidizers burn through the nutrients in their food slowly and do not release the glucose from carbohydrates into the blood quickly enough, which means that they do not get converted into glucose, and energy production and availability are delayed. Foods that are ideal for you (Protein) white meat chicken, lean pork, catfish, etc.; (Carbs) apples, brown rice, beans, etc.; (Fats) raw and unsalted nuts, etc.

3) Balanced Oxidizes require foods that have equal quantities of protein, fat, and carbs in order to optimally process, produce and use the energy from their foods. Foods that are ideal for you (Protein) salmon, shellfish, eggs, etc.; (Carbs) tomatoes, celery, citrus fruits, etc.; (Fats) butter, walnuts, sesame oil, etc.

By eating the foods that contain the ideal macronutrient ratios for your metabolic rate you will have less physical ailments and feel energized.

Research has clearly linked coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cancer to lifestyle. Apart from aiding in weight loss, physical activity offers a positive, healthy way to release anxieties and alleviate tensions, which can help reduce the risk of many lifestyle -related diseases. Exercise also supports mental well being: increasing physical activity actually changes your brain chemistry, which directly influences your mood and frame of mind for the better. Among other things, physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, which act on the brain as natural tranquilizers. In addition exercise will boost your confidence. As you start working out and getting stronger, your sense of strength in other aspects of your life will naturally flourish as well. Bottom line: the more physically fit you are, the longer you will live and the better your quality of life will be. Exercise keeps your body burning fat not just during your workout, but for hours afterward. This is known as "after-burn."

Jillian recommends you get familiar with the major muscle groups and how they function. By doing so you can then design a exercise program that is right for your physical attributes and fitness goals. She suggests a combined workout of cardio and resistance training so that you can burn calories and tone muscles simultaneously. Working out this way, turns your body into a hyperefficient fat-burning machine during and after the workout. The duration of the workout varies from person to person, but she usually suggests 60 minutes a day 5 days a week. The 60-minute session includes a 5-minute warm up, 50-minute exercise and a cool down session.

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