John and Carol Arnott: Soaking in the Spirit


After attending Bible college, John pursued a varied and successful career in business.  It was in 1980 while on a ministry trip to Indonesia that he responded to God’s call on his life for full-time ministry.  He and wife Carol founded the Jubilee Christian Fellowship, and in 1988 founded the Toronto church.

But in was on January 20, 1994, that their lives and ministry changed forever.  The revival that began that day, often referred to as the “Toronto Blessing,” continues to impact churches around the world.

“Carol and I felt that we were the least qualified to lead a revival that would eventually have worldwide impact,” John says. Since that time they have witnessed many remarkable miracles and testimonies. 

In Luke 11:11-13 the Lord tells us to press in to receive – that our heavenly Father will give the Holy Spirit to those to ask.  Fresh and powerful experiences in the Lord are available to all, yet many stumble over them because they are unlike anything most have seen before. 

The Arnotts constantly redirect the attention of people away from the look of the manifestation and onto the fruit in the person’s life.

“We are talking about a relationship with the King,” John says. 

The relationship must be real.  What do people learn from being on the floor? 

“That God is in control,” he says. 

Many who’ve been to Toronto testify to a deeper intimacy and love for the Lord.  Millions of people have come to Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) to be touched and changed by God, returning to their homes on fire for the Kingdom.

To experience revival in your church or community the Arnotts offer the following suggestions:

(1) Ask God to meet you with His love.

(2) Let the Holy Spirit open up your past hurts and bring healing.

(3) As you grow in freedom, tell others (whether they follow Jesus yet or not!).

(4) Stay full of the Holy Spirit yourself -- take time for soaking in God's presence.

(5) Testify to what God is doing in your life.


John and Carol have begun a new initiative in their ministry. After considerable prayer, John and Carol along with the Catch the Fire team have shifted their focus from a daily television program, “Catch the Fire,” to an interactive network of regional and local Soaking Center Coordinators.

“God gave us a two-fold vision,” Carol said, “first, to give birth to Soaking Prayer Centers around the world, and second, to equip them to reach one million lives with the Father’s love.”

“Television is a wonderful medium, and that was a great beginning” John said, “but we want to take our resources into the local communities and give the soaking centers hands-on assistance." 

‘Soaking’ is a term used to describe the practice of expectantly waiting and resting in God’s love, rather than striving in prayer. As a result of soaking in God’s presence, people’s lives have been transformed from restored marriages to healed bodies.

“In this new phase of ministry, we’re making seminars, conferences, and other training resources available around the world and have put local and regional coordinators in place,” says John.

“God is releasing His River of Life among us, and He is inviting everyone to plunge in with boldness and enthusiasm! In Toronto, we have been in His River for over ten years, and it’s just as exciting and sweet and wonderful as it was when we first jumped in,” John said.

John shares how the Lord gave him a vision/dream six months ago to “brace for worldwide economic disaster.” He said although he is no economist, the free fall that took place in the stock market back in January is troublesome. John says despite the current condition of the stock market, he is “seeing the Lord’s blessings being poured out.” The spiritual blessings and the supernatural miracles are happening here in America, not just third world countries.

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