No More Abuse

CBN.com In this edition you’ll read about a couple more No More Mondays readers who have taken action on their great ideas. If you have a story to share, send it along to us. Also, if you can snap a picture of yourself with a copy of No More Mondays, we’ll rotate it through on the 48Days.com site. Right now, subscriber Dan Cottle is seen relaxing on the deck of a cruise ship – while reading No More Mondays. Send your pic to contest@48Days.com.

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"No one would remember the Good Samaritan if he'd only had good intentions – he had money, too."
—Margaret Thatcher

Wife Abuse?

No, this is not really about abused wives. But I had a client use that phrase recently in describing his repeated return to the work of his professional training (yes, another dentist).

In his mind, there was a strikingly similar pattern. He would break away for something more rewarding, experience a challenge or setback, and return to the work he despised yet knowing it was where he could make the most predictable income.

Last night Joanne and I went to see the new Steve Carell movie, Get Smart. In one poignant scene Anne Hathaway is afraid she is going to get sent back to a desk job rather than being a field agent. She moans and says, “Yes, I can imagine that, just like I can imagine scraping a cheese grater across my forehead.”

Do you do your work only because of the paycheck you get? Do you long to leave for something more enjoyable? Have you tried another path only to return to what is more familiar? Unfortunately, wives, dogs, and children often get trapped in these patterns of going back to negative and abusive situations. The emotions and self-esteem issues there may be complicated and confusing.

However, the stakes are dramatically lessened in a “job.” A job should not be the definition of “who” or “what” you are. You can leave today and not change the overall purpose or direction of your life. Your “calling” is a much larger concept than what you do daily to create income. No divorce is needed to walk away and into a more fulfilling and rewarding type of work.

And you can leave the cheese grater in the cupboard.

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No More Mondays Success Stories

OK, here are a couple of personal stories I want you to check out. These are unsolicited reports from people just like you who took their ideas and acted on them. I think you’ll find them inspiring!

Shelia Rees is a 52-year-old “empty nester” who is developing a long time dream of hers. She describes herself as a true Southern belle traditionalist. Shelia says, “As a child, I spent every holiday in small town Mississippi at Nana and Papa’s house. The celebration of each holiday began with a picture taken on the front porch of the old family home. Rocking chairs, wicker furniture, pink azaleas, and luscious ferns were the backdrop for each photograph.” Her clothing line reflects that desire to take us back to traditional family values and times spent together.

Each outfit is made individually, not mass-produced, by talented seamstresses in Southern Georgia. Each outfit is appliquéd or monogrammed to your specifications and is made especially for your little one. Attention is paid to detail, resulting in a finely finished garment that you will cherish forever.

See all the designs here: http://www.katereeschildren.com/

And here's another:

Hi Dan,
I have read your No More Mondays book and follow your 48 Days newsletter & blog.

Two years ago, my husband and son sat me down for a "food intervention" where they told me how bad my cooking was. I couldn't argue because they were right. My sister suggested I try the recipes on Food Network since they were the "experts". Since then I have prepared over 400 recipes and now freelance write food features for my local newspaper. I also entered a recipe contest, Bush Beans Perfect Pair Grillin', and made the top 12 nationally. Now it’s up to votes to see if I make it to the top four for the cook-off.

Thanks for the inspiration and don't forget to vote for me! The final winner gets a $5,000 backyard makeover and gets to do a commercial!

Please vote for me!

Melanie Knight

I want us all to help Melanie win this contest. Click through to see her describe her recipe and then cast your vote for her. If a whole bunch of us vote, we ought to be able to help her win this thing. You may win some instant prizes as well.

Tell us in 100 words or less how 48 Days or No More Mondays has changed your life. We will feature one success story each week on the 48 Days Web site! E-mail it to: mysuccess@48Days.com.

Join the 212Connection for access to much more

48 Days Radio

Each week I create a new online radio podcast—that you can hear in iTunes or at the 48 Days Online Radio Show .

I’ve titled this week’s podcast Digging for Gold – Finding Profitable Ideas in the middle of Busyness.

One of the most common questions from readers is simply how to find an idea worth pursuing, questions like these:

1. My problem is lack of ideas and forgoing a steady revenue stream.
2. I can't think of a home business that interests me.
3. How can I train myself to think more creatively?
4. Need new ideas to generate extra income.
5. The biggest obstacle is finding something I am passionate about.
6. What if I don't have a unique business idea?

On this podcast I talk about how unwelcome change may be the catalyst for your great idea – if you are paying attention. (Example – Dave Ramsey.) I tell about the two books that every successful person has read, which magazines I read, and how two hours a day transformed my own success.

If you have a question, just click on the 48 Days Online Radio link below and you can ask about starting your own business, getting a better job, or finding your purpose in life.

48 Days Recommends

See your business here.

Cruise With The Barefoot Executive™
Carrie Wilkerson is the voice of experience. From corporate life to teaching high school to direct sales, she has 'been there and done that' professionally and personally. An 'overnight mom' to two toddlers through adoption, her priorities instantly changed and so did her workplace. She's now built several businesses and coached others to do the same while overcoming extreme debt, losing 110 pounds, and having two more children, for a total of four, ages infant through 12!

As "The Barefoot Executive,” Carrie and her network of experts have quickly become the definitive resource for helping women achieve extra income and career goals while working from home. Enter to win a free spot on the Barefootin' on the Beach 2009 Cruise - go see www.CruiseBarefoot.com!

Need an Advisory Board
With growing regulation, many companies have had a hard time getting people to serve on a directors' board. But no matter what size your business, you may want to consider having an advisory board. You get most of the benefits without exposing your board members to liability. Here is a comprehensive source of information on how to build an advisory board well: Build a Board.

Chuck Bowen Coaching - Financial, Career & Business
Need to do better (maybe a lot better?) with your personal finances? Is your business as profitable or enjoyable as you'd like it to be? Seeking your calling in your career? Contact Chuck Bowen Coaching. If you want to transform your life permanently for the better, he's your guy. Dave Ramsey trusts Chuck to train his financial coaches, and he serves as president of Dan Miller’s 212 Connection. What better proof is there? Contact Chuck Bowen Coaching now!

More Recommended Resources

Know your area of competence ?
The most popular product in the 48 Days arsenal continues to be the Computerized Personality Report. Before you begin seeking a better job or self-employment, you need to be sure you are pursuing opportunities that match your personality style and will fulfill and reward you for a lifetime!

Stay up to date, add your comments, and share your successes at my No More Mondays Blog.

Humor: Gee, Thanks, Boss!

Tom goes to see his supervisor in the front office.

“Boss,” he says, “we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff.”

“We're short-handed, John,” the boss replies. “I can't give you the day off.”

“Thanks, boss,” says John. “I knew I could count on you!”

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