Will Decker and Tim Scott 'Travel the Road'


Will Decker grew up wanting to be a world-renowned photographer. He became friends with Michael, Tim Scott's brother, during his time at the Colorado Institute of Art. After he graduated from college in 1994, Will moved from Colorado to California to work in the entertainment industry. He began shooting for several companies and was soon becoming established in the industry. It was about this time Will became disillusioned. He realized that the fulfillment he sought in the entertainment industry only led to more emptiness. Then in 1998, God intervened when his good friend Tim Scott asked him to undertake a bold adventure to the fartherest reaches of the world.

Tim called Will and said, "I have been thinking about you. I'm thinking about doing overseas missions work and I want you to come along on this trip. You're the first person that came to my mind. I want you to come and share this journey with me." Will says he was not yet a believer, but agreed to go and photograph the missionary journey.

“It was more of an escape than anything. I figured at the time, I just needed to get away from LA, to start over, to give myself a year to sort my life out, to see where I was going. I was a photographer, so I figured I could at least photograph for a book or something,” says Will.

After a few months of planning and getting everything in order, Tim and Will took off to the heart of the most remote place on earth. The trip started in Papa New Guinea. They spent every night in packed out services in the middle of the bush. “Not being a believer and going to these kind of services, was an amazing thing to be a part of,” recalls Will. Three months into the journey Will dedicated his life to the Lord and began to preach and speak in villages.  His conversion took place in a village in China, “I prayed to the Lord and told Him I wanted to believe fully in Him, but I needed to have a sign. So, I asked the Lord for a shooting star. As soon as I prayed amen, I saw it right in front of my eyes,” remembers Will and, he felt an amazing weight lift from him.


After college, he got into photography and did work for a lot of companies including Universal Films and Mitsubishi. “The combined experience of the Travel the Road ministry prepared us pretty well for producing the Travel the Road television series. However, most people have no idea what it takes on the creative production side of the house to make a series like Travel the Road a reality,” says Will.

Tim, Michael and Will worked around the clock for nine months to produce the first 30-minute pilot. Will recalls it was a steep learning curve, but they did not want to compromise on the quality of the product. “It was a lot of time and effort. But we knew we had something special. And the Lord just kept encouraging us to continue on our path. It truly was a faith walk, “ says Will.


Tim Scott was raised in a Christian home and tutored by his father, who is president of the Vision Christian Bible College located in Colorado. He first went on mission trips with both of his parents and older brother Michael during high school, but never thought of it as his calling. After high school he went through two years of business college and an internship program at Paine Webber. However, his call to the mission field did not come until he was 19 years old when he was traveling abroad in Eastern Europe in 1998.

“I thought that I was going to be a stockbroker. But then I went on a mission trip to the Czech Republic. I had been on mission trips before, but something happened over there. And it was something that changed my life forever,” says Tim.

He remembers asking the Lord what His plan was for his life and the Lord told him to go and preach the Gospel to the world. He knew that his life was about to change.

Tim says, “I came back to America from that mission trip, and started selling everything I owned. I told my parents what I wanted to do and they said go for it with your whole heart. They also said, make sure that someone goes with you.”

He called his friend Will Decker and told him that he was thinking about going overseas to do missions work, and that he wanted Will to come along. At the time, Will was not even a believer, but Tim knew something was going to happen. He knew the Lord had a calling on Will’s life too.


In 1998, Tim and Will set out on their first missionary expedition armed only with their backpacks, Bibles, a change of clothes, and the words of Christ Jesus – “Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Tim says it was on this journey that they learned the art of third world survival and how to travel in remote and dangerous lands. From the mysterious jungles of Laos to the snow covered mountains of the Himalayas Tim and Will shared the good news with hundreds of tribes. Tim says they stayed until their money ran out. The journey spanned over 25 countries in the course of a year.


After returning to America in the summer of 1999, the only thing Tim and Will could think about was getting back out on the road. The planning for the next expedition began immediately. “It wasn’t hard to realize there was a need for more workers in the mission field,” says Tim. So, the TTR ministry which consisted of Tim, his brother Michael, and Will started brainstorming about how they could use the experiences traveling the road in a more productive fashion. In an effort to share their story, TTR decided that for their next expedition they would bring along a video camera to document the travels and ministry to help people see first-hand what missions was all about.


“We kept the film in a safe place, and when we had a good inventory of both video and still photography, we sent it all back to Michael in Los Angeles,” recalls Tim. TTR felt that other people would love to see this exciting footage of what it is really like on the mission field film up-close and personal video. And since reality television was also becoming more and more popular on secular networks, he also saw a similar opportunity in the Christian programming world. When they returned from our expedition in January 2002, they started going through the 300+ hours of video footage, bought some editing equipment, leased a couple hundred square feet of office space and started editing the film. As they saw the work the Lord was helping them create, they started pitching the concept and the pilot of Travel the Road to various networks. The feedback they got was very positive. In December of 2002, they signed a contract with the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) for a 12 episode series to start airing May 17, 2003. Travel the Road’s unique story telling has broken down the barrier between Christian programming and secular reality TV to create a television series that ultimately glorifies God and delivers “high quality” television. The series is set in exotic National Geographic locations with Survivor cinematography served up on a Fear Factor menu and delivered with the excitement of Amazing Race.

Tim and Will are currently in Los Angeles working on the production of Travel the Road - Season Three which is scheduled for release in the fall of 2007. Season Two is still being aired on TBN. Tim says their next expedition is scheduled for 2007 once the production of Season Three is complete. This two year journey will take them down the Amazon River, deep into the jungles of Brazil, and to the war zones of Iraq.

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