Linking to CBN.com

If you would like to place a link to CBN.com on your web page, simply copy and paste the code from one of the three options below, into your web page.



For a CBN.com graphic link, insert the following code:

<a href="http://www.cbn.com">
<img src= "http://www.cbn.com/templates/images/
cbn.com-blue.gif" border=0 alt="CBN.com"></a>

The 700 Club

For a 700 Club graphic link, insert the following code:

<a href="http://www.cbn.com">
<img src= "http://www.cbn.com/templates/
images/ 700clublogo.jpg" border=0
alt="The 700 Club "></a>

Visit CBN.com  

For a CBN.com text link, insert the following code:

Visit <a href="http://www.cbn.com">CBN.com</a>

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