Kirk Cameron: Don't Sit Home on Election Day

kirk cameron

"You are the light of the world...You are the salt of the earth, someone important said that, right?" asks actor, speaker and author Kirk Cameron.

It's what he's reminding Americans as he travels to churches across the country and hears frustrations and fears about the direction of the culture and country. 

"Some people are looking for a king to wave the magic wand and fix the foreign relations and fix the economy and racial problems. We don't need a king, we already have a king," he tells CBN News.

"We have to not sit home on Election Day. We have to get involved and participate because God, working through us, is the solution," he continued.

Cameron is promoting his new film "Revive Us" showing in theaters Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. It features Dr. Ben Carson, authors Eric Metaxas, and Jennifer Rothschild along with pastors Francis Chan and Dr. James MacDonald.

The evening will conclude with a question-and-answer session created from audience-submitted questions. That will be followed by a moment, where audience members can gather in their respective theaters for prayer.

Theaters will host an encore showing on Monday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. local time.

Here's a full transcript:

In this election cycle some people are looking for a king to wave the magic wand and fix the foreign relations and fix the economy and racial problems. We don't need a king, we already have a king, right? And His foreign policies are perfect He's the ruler of the nations, His border control is excellent. He says to the ocean you come this far and no further - He understands. What we need is to understand who we are and who's we are and begin electing leaders who will represent the King's ways in our land because they're good for everybody. 

People need to know that our hope is not found in the president or in the Supreme Court, it's not in the great accomplishments or in how many medals we win or how many likes we have on Facebook. Our hope is in the power of God working in the hearts of you and me and our kids, our families, our churches, communities and we, with God's help, are the ones who will revive the nation from the inside out and the bottom all the way up to the top and the key is participate - be involved, understand that you are part of the solution.

You say 'why all the darkness?' You are the light of the world. Somebody said that, remember? 'Well, what about all the corruption? What about all the decay I see around me?' You are the salt of the earth. Someone important said that, right? We have to not sit home on Election Day. We have to get involved and participate because God, working through us, is the solution.


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