Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Don't Want to Talk About

Mental illness loves to tell lies. One of those lies is that you really should be able to manage what you're struggling with. Pastor and psychotherapist Ryan Casey Waller says no. Mental health issues are not a symptom of a spiritual failing or insufficient faith; rather, suffering is the very thing our Savior seeks to heal as he leads us toward restoration. And yet, as Waller has experienced personally, the battle can be lonely and discouraging. But it doesn't have to be.

Combining practical theology, clinical insights, and deep empathy, Waller offers a rare mix of companionship and truth, inviting us to

  • have shame-free conversations about mental health;
  • discover why self-knowledge is so important to a deep relationship with God;
  • understand the intersection of biology, psychology, and spirituality;
  • explore varying avenues of healing in community, therapy, and medication; and
  • be equipped to support loved ones while practicing self-care.

Waller bridges the gap between the spiritual and the psychological in this empathetic, imminently helpful guidebook, reminding us all that we are not alone. Hope starts now.

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