Christian Living


Four Life-Transforming Books

Most Facebookers know that yesterday kicked off National Library Week because of a status update going around where users pick up the first book they see and post the fifth sentence they read on page 56. Getting millions of people to pick up a book is a great idea, and spawned the idea for this book list.

With millions of books to read, it’s difficult sometimes to known where to go next for some literary, mindful engagement. To narrow the field down a bit, next time you’re searching for a new e-book or paperback at your favorite bookstore look through the Christian section. Pick up one of the God-inspired, thought-provoking books you find and read. To get you started, here are a few powerful page-turners the CBN.com staff has encountered in the past.

Wild at Heart by John EldredgeWild at Heart by John Eldredge

Author John Eldredge is known for weaving pop culture (movies in particular) into his books to make points about God and living a Christian life. His second published work, Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul, was intentionally written to appeal and speak to speak to the hearts of men. The fact that a female could find this book life changing might be hard to swallow, but it was for me. At a time in my life when I needed spiritual direction, my Sunday School class picked up this book. It interested me at first as a way to try and understand men, but then it opened a world of possibilities when it came to my own understanding of God in my story and my role in His. A movie buff, the pop culture references and points made using favorite films of mine (Braveheart, The Lord of the Rings trilogy) only cemented the connection I felt with what Eldredge was saying and how he was saying it. Sure, his book makes sweeping claims about true masculinity, and I have no real understanding of that. What appealed to me was that God wants to live fully alive, without reservation and also that God is always writing His story and I was a part of it.

– Hannah Goodwyn, Producer

Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah HurnardHinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard

When I was in my 30s, a woman at my church was aware of my emotional and spiritual struggles as a parent in a chaotic blended family. She gave me this book and told me to read it, saying she thought it might help me. By chapter two, I related so well with the main character that I couldn't put it down. The allegory it portrayed helped me identify what thoughts and emotions were my soul's enemies and deepened my resolve to keep focused and in love with Almighty God, my faithful shepherd. It served as a pivotal breakthrough for me spiritually and I've read it again from time to time as a refresher.

– Beth Patch, Producer

Conforming to His Image by Ken BoaConformed to His Image by Ken Boa

Author Ken Boa’s book, Conformed to His Image, expands your understanding and intimacy with God by discovering the traditions of the church in seeking Him starting with the church fathers to the present. You learn to walk in the ways of the great men of God by following their example.

– Jack Doussard, Project Manager


The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan ManningThe Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning

CCM artist Michael W. Smith introduced me to The Ragamuffin Gospel, by former Franciscan priest and author Brennan Manning. The singer touted the book during an interview, saying he bought a case of copies to hand out to his friends. That piqued my curiosity, leading me to buy myself a copy. After reading it, I understood what Smitty was saying. Manning does a good job of making sense out of complex theological principles. Maybe that was God’s grace working through Manning’s words; it was just honest writing. His takeaway point is that God is not impressed with what you or I have done; He’s impressed with what He made… all of us ragamuffins. Everybody's different, but it doesn't matter. Jesus Christ loves us all the same.

– Chris Carpenter, Director of Programming

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