I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel

In May of 1948, as the British Empire ended their mandate and withdrew from Palestine, five Arab nations sat on the border - ready to invade. At that moment, David Ben-Gurion, the leader of the Jews, stood in Tel Aviv and declared the establishment of the State of Israel – marking the rebirth of a Jewish nation in the Holy Land after 2,000 years in exile.
In I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel, author Craig von Buseck tells the epic story of Israel’s rebirth— promises made, promises broken, and ultimately the fulfillment of the ancient prophecy that this people would indeed return to their Promised Land.
Beginning with the birth of both the Zionist Movement and Harry Truman in the 1880s, I Am Cyrus chronicles the growth of Zionism and the unlikely emergence of Harry Truman on the American political stage. It then describes the prophetic and historic days leading up to the rebirth of Israel - and the vital role Harry Truman and his former business partner, Eddie Jacobson, played in those crucial moments.
Learn how “a nation was born in a day” in I Am Cyrus: Harry S. Truman and the Rebirth of Israel.