Miracles in American History, Volume Two: Amazing Faith That Shaped the Nation: Adapted from William J. Federer's American Minute

Captivating stories of revivals, battle heroes, missionaries, & courage from America's history: William Penn's Holy Experiment "the Seed of a Nation"; Pere Marquette; Moravian Missionaries; Wesleys; Whitefield & Great Awakening; Molly Pitcher, Betsy Ross & Courageous Women of the Revolution; Francis Asbury & Circuit-riding Preachers; Early Black Preachers; Richard Allen & AME Church; "Black Harry" Hosier; "Amazing Grace": Newton & Wilberforce; 2nd Great Awakening; Yale Student Revival; Haystack Prayer Meeting & World Missions; Indians, Whitmans & Northwest Missions; John Stewart, Missionary to Wyandots; Volcano Defied & Hawaiian Great Awakening; Charles Finney's Revival; Salvation Army; YMCA; Layman's Prayer Revival, 3rd Great Awakening; Shoe Salesman to Evangelist-D.L. Moody; Slave to College President-Booker T. Washington; Katherine Lee Bates & "America the Beautiful"; Baseball Star Preacher-Billy Sunday; Eddie Rickenbacker-World War I Fighter Ace; U.S. Military "For God & Country";

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