CBN Reaches Millions with Its Multiple Platforms
While CBN works diligently in Israel, it has not forgotten its call to every nation. In 2020, CBN programs were broadcast in one hundred and seventy-four countries and territories in 48 different languages and dialects.
“Back in 1996, I can safely say 90% of our audience was in the United States,” says Gordon Robertson. “Now 90% of our audience is international, and 10% of our audience is in the United States. And we're seeing audience levels we couldn't have dreamed of. Where 350 million people are watching CBN programs around the world.”
As of 2021, CBN has 17 media centers across the globe that not only produce content in their native languages but also employ their own innovative strategies.
CBN’s Vice President of International Ben Edwards explains, “the Philippines for example, during COVID, started a nightly program on Facebook live at eight o’clock every night in order to reach their audience in a more consistent way and to talk about different subjects. Every evening has a different subject matter and even a different target audience. The initial returns on that are great. We’re reaching literally hundreds of thousands of people.”
One of the newest endeavors by CBN is the relaunching of a Spanish-speaking talk show called Club 700 Hoy.
Host Roberto Torres-Cedillo shares, “If you look at the demographics, it's pretty clear that the US Hispanic population is playing, and will play, an incredibly important role in the United States, in its culture, in its development. I mean, right now the US Hispanic population is the largest ethnic minority group in the United States. And some estimates say that it will reach about 25% of the population by around 2045. That may be even more. And so, they're going to influence the spirituality of the nation. And we're just moving to God's heart, responding to His heart for this people group.”
While CBN is reaching millions through broadcast, it has also focused on an even larger audience platform - the internet.
“We're at a point in time, I think, in media where we have to look at Internet broadcasting as being the dominant form of the future,” says Gordon. “We're just dipping our toes in it now. But already we're seeing the fruit from it, where you total up all of the salvation reports that we get from the US version of The 700 Club, and they're already being exceeded by our Internet totals.
CBN reaches people through social media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Along with using apps for CBN news, Superbook, and CBN family.
Executive Director of Digital Marketing Strategies Cally Robertson Everett explains, “when we first started, we were in TV, that's where people were. So many miracle stories happened because somebody happened to turn on the TV, they happened to hear Pat pray for them, they happened to get healed. So, we want to continue that, even as fewer people turn on TVs, we want people to happen to find us where they are, on YouTube or wherever it might be. Every day in the comments people are saying, ‘Thank you – I called the Prayer Center, they prayed for me, I was healed.’ And it's just so exciting.”
While prayer remains at the forefront of CBN, so does covering the news. With millions of loyal viewers, CBN news launched its own 24/7 news channel with an app in 2018.
CBN News Vice President Rob Allman explains, “The News Channel and the app puts us on platforms where the eyes and ears are. And we've been able to mix our platforms with our content in a way that our audience has them on their desk, and on their television. And that's where we need to be.”
“Since the emphasis on the news channel, we've seen double-digit growth uh on a year-to-year basis of the viewers of that platform,” says Gordon. “So it's been a success.”
The 700 Club continues as CBN’s flagship program and has become one of the longest-running talk shows in history. As in the beginning, the staff continues to pray for people and see God work miracles.