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Putin Scoffs at US Meddling Accusations: 'Ask the State Department About Soros'


In a contentious interview with Austria's ORF television, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again pushed back against accusations that his country had meddled in the 2016 US presidential election.

Speaking to host ORG host Armin Wolf, the Russian leader panned the US's indictment of Yevgeny Prigozhin, a wealthy restaurateur dubbed "Putin's chef," suggesting the charges against him were absurd.

"How low the Western information and political environment has fallen if a restaurateur from Russia could influence elections in the United States or a European country," Putin said.

US officials have accused the businessman of funding internet trolling and other election interference. Although Prigozhin and Putin are associates, Putin insists he is unaware of the man's online activities.

Furthermore, Putin suggested that when it comes to meddling in foreign affairs, America's hands weren't exactly clean. Specifically, he pointed to rumored attempts by liberal billionaire philanthropist George Soros to "rock the euro."

"There are rumors circulating now that Mr. Soros is planning to make the euro highly volatile," RT quoted Putin. "Experts are already discussing this."

"Ask the US State Department why he is doing this. The State Department will say that it has nothing to do with them – rather it is Mr. Soros' private affair. With us, it is Mr. Prigozhin's private affair. This is my answer. Are you satisfied with it?" he exclaimed.

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