
A Note on “The Note”


Big fish alert. From ABC News:


OK, so the media is ga-ga for Barack Obama. I think most everyone will concede the point that Obama has gotten for the most part over the top positive coverage from the press. But let me go on the record to say unlike MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, I do not have a thrill running up my leg. I do however have a pain running through my left leg but I believe that is my sciatica acting up.


What do the Olympic venues really look like?  Has Beijing cleaned up the city before the Olympics?  It has according to this video, which features many beauty shots of Beijing.


Assist News Service is reporting the death of Christopher David Laurie, the 33-year-old first-born son of well-know evangelist Greg Laurie, who died in an auto accident in Riverside County, California, Thursday, July 24, 2008.


It's become hard to keep track of the dizzying--and disastrous--number of peace deals the Pakistani government has reached with the Taliban and its Islamist allies over the past two years or so (see my CBN News stories on the catastrophic Waziristan and Bajaur peace accords). The Pakistani government's latest mini-Munich has been struck with Islamist militants in the settled district of Hangu. Bill Roggio has the troubling details.


What do you get when you put 50,000 fans in line for Olympic tickets?  Pushing, shoving, and very few behaviors that you would want in a "harmonious society."


Athletes from a staggering 204 nations will compete at the Beijing Olympics, but this year Iraq will not be among them.  Last month the International Olympic Committee suspended Iraq's Olympic Committee, due to government involvement. 


Watch my TV report on Barack Obama's Berlin speech today.


Before reading any further, please watch 30 seconds of this video. It will get you in the mood for what you are about to read.
