Christian Living

chinaconnection 07/24/08

Iraq Banned from Beijing Olympics

Athletes from a staggering 204 nations will compete at the Beijing Olympics, but this year Iraq/st1 :country-region> will not be among them.  Last month the International Olympic Committee suspended Iraq/st1 :country-region>'s Olympic Committee, due to government involvement. 

The IOC described the situation as "ongoing political interference by the government in the sports movement in Iraq/st1 :country-region>."  In May the government disbanded the original Olympic Committee, and replaced it with an interim committee chaired by the Iraqi Minister of Youth and Sports, Jassim Mohammed Jaffer./p>

According to a letter from the IOC to Jaffer, they "deeply regret this outcome," but maintained that it was "unfortunately imposed by the circumstances."  In Iraq/st1 :country-region>'s defense, "the circumstances" seem to be straight out of an action movie./p>

Ahmed Al-Samarri, the former Olympic Chairman and four members of the committee haven't been heard from since they were kidnapped two years ago.  When the government officially disbanded the existing committee, it cited "solid evidence of blatant corruption, lack of legitimate transparent electoral processes and accountability."/p>

Perhaps corruption was involved, but the Iraq Youth and Sports Ministry is primarily comprised of Shiites, whereas Iraq/st1 :country-region>'s National Olympic Committee has more Sunnis.  It's possible that these religious differences didn't come into play, but they definitely cast a shadow over some of the corruption allegations.     /p>

It's unfortunate that the five aspiring Iraqi athletes who were planning to compete in the Games won't have the opportunity to go to Beijing/st1 :city>.  Earlier today White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the Iraqi athletes "have to be terribly disappointed and I'm disappointed for the athletes as well." /p>

Basili Abdul-Mahdi, an adviser to the Iraqi minister of youth and sports, on the other hand, plans to take an aggressive approach.  He says Iraq "will bring suit to defend our sports rights."  Whether or not he'll have success with the legal approach remains to be seen.

It's possible that two Iraqi track and field athletes will be able to compete, since the deadline for those Olympic entries hasn't already passed.  More than likely, unless something dramatic happens, the Iraqi athletes will have to watch the Games from the sidelines. 

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