Obama and the Media


OK, so the media is ga-ga for Barack Obama. I think most everyone will concede the point that Obama has gotten for the most part over the top positive coverage from the press. But let me go on the record to say unlike MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, I do not have a thrill running up my leg. I do however have a pain running through my left leg but I believe that is my sciatica acting up.

Look, there’s no doubt there’s a liberal media bias out there but I don’t think that is what’s driving the positive press coverage. The media is in love not so much with Obama but rather the Obama storyline. You know the deal: first African American with a serious shot at the presidency, the underdog who defeated the clear frontrunner Hillary Clinton, the young, hip, attractive new sensation. All of this IS NOT embellished by the media. The Obama campaign has done a great job of putting themselves in this position. Even Obama’s harshest critics will admit that Obama has got that “something” that every politician would love to have. He has that intangible emotional connection with millions of voters that lead younger people to become engaged in the political process. Thousands, sometimes tens of thousands show up at his events. The media did not ask those people to show up. Those people showed up not because of glowing media coverage but because of a candidate and a campaign that is doing something right. In defense of the mainstream media, they are covering a great political story and their reports reflect that. Having said that, yes the comments from ‘objective” reporters have at times been too effusive. Liberal bias is a factor but the Obama campaign deserves some credit here too and that should not be lost in the “Media Loves Obama” story.

Even though Obama may be receiving great press now he shouldn’t get too comfortable. What the media loves above all else is a great storyline. They love the drama. They love the soap opera. Why do you think the media was all excited about a potential knock down drag out fight on the convention floor in Denver? You think the media is rooting for an Obama blowout in the general election? Please. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The fact of the matter is they would love nothing better than John McCain the underdog to make a stirring comeback and make this a nail biter of a general election. What would really be great is if John McCain starts trailing Obama by solid double digits and then begins to make his fall comeback. The media would even come up with a title for it. Maybe they would call it, “Back from the Dead”, “The Comeback Kid”, “He is Risen”, (umm, never mind about that one. It is already taken) How about “Johnny Come lately? Click here for a possible graphic image photo they could use.


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