
The Brody File has received a document from Barack Obama’s religious outreach team showing statistics that they say prove Obama is a hit with religious voters.


Maybe you’ve been following it or maybe you haven’t but in some GOP circles, Obama’s full name is being mentioned. In case you don’t know, let’s get it on the table: it’s Barack Hussein Obama.


 The IRS is investigating the United Church of Christ over a speech Sen. Barack Obama gave at its national meeting last year after he became a candidate for president, the denomination said Tuesday. Obama, an Illinois Democrat, belongs to the 1.2 million-member Protestant group through his Chicago congregation. In a letter the denomination received Monday, the IRS said "reasonable belief exists" that the circumstances surrounding the speech violated restrictions on political a


Brody File producer, Robin Mazyck here with another celebrity spotting.


Hillary Clinton has got to be a tad bit angry. Super delegate and big deal Congressman John Lewis is ditching Hillary for Barack. Ouch.


You remember those days when you were a kid and playing baseball or kickball and everyone would yell, "Tie goes to the runner." Well, when you have a tie in politics, then it means, "Tie goes to the frontrunner."


Communication is key to any relationship, and even more so in marriage. In the busyness of our daily lives, it is critical to take time every day connecting with our mate. We must tune into them, paying special attention to their concerns as well as their dreams. We need to be attentive to their frustrations as well as to the things that make them smile. This is the glue that binds our hearts together; communication. Sharing painful times as well as humorous ones---creates a bond between two people.


The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released the first report of the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, which finds that a remarkably high number of people have changed their religious affiliation since childhood.


"Kids! On Hamas TV! Watch everyone's favorite TV bunny, Assud, threaten to kill Danes over the blasphemous Mohammed cartoons! Join the fun! Be a martyr too! On Hamas TV! Allahu Akbar!"


I wanted to call this post "Back to Normal," but Iraq hasn't seen normal in so many decades that nobody there remembers what "normal" is. Nevertheless, today's news out of Anbar shows that things continue to improve.
