
Oy-vey. We have a Catholic war over a Catholic nominee. Now conservative Catholics are up with a website bashing Kathleen Sebelius on abortion. The group “Catholic Advocate” is behind the effort. On the site, they even have a link saying the following:


A wide range of Christian leaders have come together to support Kathleen Sebelius. The HHS Secretary nominee has come under fire from pro-life groups because they say her record on abortion is extreme. Read their letter below. It is signed by some notable conservative Evangelicals like Joel Hunter, Sammy Rodriguez and Paul Devries. The full list of signers is here.


Just a quick update today. Here’s a handful of links from around the web that caught my eye over the weekend.

Church Shopping Slate has an interesting story about “Why American churchgoers like to shop around” when it comes to choosing a church. It includes some  stats like this one about American churchgoing: “One in seven adults changes churches each year, and another one in six attends a handful of churches on a rotating basis.”


I am not an expert on global warming or environmental issues, but I can pretty confidently say that if I were in charge of any global warming lobbying group, I would stage my most significant events during the months of June, July, or August. 


This year a record 6.1 million students will graduate from Chinese universities.  In most years, this number would represent a sign of China's educational progress over the past few decades.  In the 1980s, only about 3% of Chinese students attended college, versus about 20% today.


The Brody File has a three minute television piece up and running on CBN News in which I report on the Kathleen Sebelius nomination. You can view it above. The story looks at how pro-life groups are voicing displeasure with the pick while moderate religious groups are celebrating the decision.


Can there be some sort of “middle ground” on abortion? President Obama has talked about seeking common ground on reducing abortion in the country. Fervent pro-life Congressmen Chris Smith from New Jersey isn’t holding his breath. The Brody File interviewed him and asked him about how The White House could go about meeting pro-lifers in the middle on this issue. Watch his answer above. (It runs about 30 seconds) The transcript is below.


HHS Secretary Nominee Kathleen Sebelius may have just gotten the ‘cover’ she needs. Fellow Kansan and U.S. Senator Sam Brownback, a staunch pro-life Catholic seems to signal his support for her in a joint statement he made with Kansas’s other Senator Pat Roberts. Not one mention at all on Sebelius’s abortion record. Read below and then get my analysis:


You want to know how passionate pro-life groups are going to be over the Kathleen Sebelius nomination?


Hey Democrats. What’s all the fuss? Give your man President Obama a break.
