
It was quite a Sunday in Rhode Island, not because it was nearly 40 degrees in February, but because I held a really nice, substantive interview with Sen. Hillary Clinton.


We have a potential turning point in the Democratic race for President. Mark it down. Saturday February 23rd, 2008. Hillary Clinton got VERY angry at Barack Obama today in Ohio after what she believes are false mailers circulating in that state about her views on NAFTA and healthcare. Read below from The Politico: Hillary Rodham Clinton ripped Barack Obama Saturday for mailings his campaign is sending to Ohio voters that Clinton said distorted her record on NAFTA and universal health care. The v


The Brody File spoke to Dr. Richard Land, one of the major Evangelical leaders in the country. He is the President of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission and represents millions of Southern Baptists across this country.


If you haven't completely tuned out the news from Iraq, or lost it in the political-babble, you may have heard yesterday about the mayhem that's going on in northern Iraq. Or the unfortunate pony that was blown to smithereens in a Baghdad market, killing four. But you probably did not hear about the story below, the likes of which are happening with great regularity these days as Iraqi citizens, tired of Al Qaeda's brutality, are turning in explosives faster than we can blow them up. 


Several days ago, the YMCA in Gaza City was bombed. You can read about the bombing itself here.


I am not in the habit of posting a lot of funny, satirical stuff on the Africa Matters blog...but this is just too good not to pass along to you!


Man, what a reaction! In the last 24 hours, I've written two posts that have brought out the Hillary fans. The first one about her debate performance last night is here. The second one had to do with an email circulating among progressive religious leaders. Read that post here.


Check out my interview with Barack Obama's Communication Director Robert Gibbs. I talked to him Thursday night in Austin Texas in the spin room after the Democratic debate.


I was in Austin Texas at the big Democratic debate Thursday night. I had a chance to talk to top Clinton strategist Mark Penn in the spin room. Watch that interview above.


I hope you take the time to view my recent story on Dr. Tim Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan. Over the last 19 years, Redeemer has grown from a handful of believers to more than five thousand people gathering each Sunday.
