
The Democratic National Committee is ready. They've been ready.


Mike Huckabee left the Republican Presidential race Tuesday night but he leaves with his head held high and a bright future ahead of him.


John McCain is officially Lazarus.


We don't even know the results of the big Ohio and Texas primaries but here's my take on the headline depending on the outcome. See below.


Have a look at some exit poll information below.


The Hillary Clinton campaign likes the following exit poll number tonight:


The Obama campaign has taken a lot of hits the last week but if they push through and do well tonight, (whatever that means) it's pretty much over. Bill Burton, the campaign's national spokesman just sent me this:


Tonight's the night. Super Tuesday, Part 2. Get my analysis above. I was on our CBN Newswatch show this afternoon.


Guest blog by The Brody File producer Robin Mazyck.


What do you think it would be like to be under rocket attack? What if you had to run into your house because the town's "Code Red" alarm sounded, then find the safest place and wait for the sound of the rocket explosion, while hoping it didn't land on your house? That's what life has been like in Sderot, Israel, for the past seven years.
