Christian Living

TheMorningFive 03/02/09

Mary the Movie, the Sunday Morning Test, Darwin's Church and More ...

Just a quick update today. Here’s a handful of links from around the web that caught my eye over the weekend.

Church Shopping
Slate has an interesting story about “Why American churchgoers like to shop around” when it comes to choosing a church. It includes some  stats like this one about American churchgoing: “One in seven adults changes churches each year, and another one in six attends a handful of churches on a rotating basis.”

The Brain and Belief
magazine has a lengthy feature called “The Biology Belief.” Though the story isn't necessarily an endorsement of faith (it has interviews with scientists that attempt to debunk faith’s benefits), it does have some interesting points: “Here's what's surprising: a growing body of scientific evidence suggests that faith may indeed bring us health.”

Darwin's Church Scandal
A series of recently uncovered letters reveal that before he abandoned his Christian faith at the age of 40, Charles Darwin was heavily involved in his local church. He was even responsible for helping to uncover a church scandal involving the embezzlement of an organ fund.

What Would You Do?
A pastor in Texas wanted to see just how compassionate his congregation was toward the down-and-out, so he tried a pretty radical experiment on Sunday morning. He disguised himself has a disturbed stranger, reeking of alcohol, wandering through the parking lot. As a local news crew filmed the interaction, the church passed the test with flying colors, offering their disguised pastor food, shelter and help.

Mary the Biopic
Blogger and founder of the Act Once Christian screenwriting program Barbara Nicolosi is at the helm of the new film that looks at the life of Mary. So far Peter O’Toole, Al Pacino and Camila Belle have signed on to Mary, Mother of Jesus. MGM hopes to release the film in early 2010. 

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