
Our friends at HotAir.com have an excellent roundup of the latest Mugniyeh-related news here, including footage of the immediate aftermath of the car bombing that killed the master terrorist. Read--and watch--it all. Here's one of the more interesting tidbits that HA links to, and which I suggested may happen on yesterday's CBN Newswatch. From Haaretz:


The top 10 finalists will be selected on May 1 and will be flown to Virginia Beach for an all-inclusive weekend where they will compete at a live webcast event on the campus of Regent University May 31 - June 1. A grand prize winner will be selected by onsite industry professional judges and will receive a full tuition-paid scholarship.


CBNNews.com - One year ago today the first U.S. surge troops arrived in Iraq. In the twelve months since, the progress has been absolutely astounding, and I'd go so far as to assert that the war is won - though we still have some mopping up to do.


One day after the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh, the Middle East is abuzz. Who did it? What impact will this have on Hezbollah? Iran? Syria? Doesn't this show a serious security breach for Syria's security services? After all, Mughniyeh assassination took place in the heart of Syria's capital Damascus.


OK, well maybe he doesn't love him or anything but hey, it's all about being a good Republican, right?


That is, Iowa's board of regents has rejected an appeal from Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, assistant professor of Astronomy at Iowa State University, to gain tenure. Not getting tenure is the equivalent of being fired.


Honestly, can you think of any act more intimate than joining together in a quiet place, holding hands in prayer, and allowing your soul to be bare naked before God?

This is our pledge: entering into this act of intimacy on a daily basis with the one person you love more than any other will take you to a level of joy and satisfaction that you simply will not believe.

You love life will be better, your communication better. Your whole life will be so much better. You'll find yourself beginning every prayer session saying "thank you" for this new life-changing experience.


The only red flowing in the streets of Saudi Arabia this Valentine's Day will be blood from the occasional public execution.


He's brought the world some of its most memorable films, from Jaws to Jurassic Park, and was set to direct one of the most impressive visual spectaulars ever: this year's Olympic Opening Ceremonies.


Church stationary and the IRS may not mix, especially when it comes to politics. Read below from The Associated Press:
