
If President-elect Barack Obama had any thought of sailing smoothly into his new digs at 1600 Pennsylvania, drama in the U.S. Senate has practically dashed any semblance of that as wishful thinking.


Recently Pastor Benny Hinn spoke with Pat Robertson on the 700 Club.


A huge plume of smoke blackened the horizon over northern Gaza Thursday morning.


My two grown sons don't think it is Christmas, unless we have these. And they don't even like dates!! But they love these. Eight years ago, I was very ill and did not do much for Christmas, but I did manage to get these made.


I watched the entire raw tape of George Bush's final informal press conference, not by choice, but because I had to, for a retrospective I was writing. And I observed again that, love him or hate him, W possesses almost imperviable self-assurance and an extraordinarily tough constitution; exceedingly rare qualities in politicians today.  These qualities both served and bedeviled the nation and his administration.


You knew it was coming eventually. Hey,  he has to stay relevant somehow among global jihadis, which means that commenting on current events where Islamic terrorists are engaged against "infidel" democracies is a must. Hence, his "Gaza-burg Address." From CBN News:  


How would Benjamin Netanyahu confront Iran if he's elected prime minister in next month's Israeli elections?


Have you ever wondered why Hamas has fired thousands of rockets into Israel over the past eight years? Or wondered what their final goals are?


If you have less money because of the economic situation, that obviously could effect your health status. You wouldn't be doomed to worse health, but it would be more likely.


Change is the buzzword in Washington right now, and CBN News is experiencing its own set of smaller transformations, like Beltway Buzz, the latest member of the CBN News blogosphere. 
