
Barack Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comment is getting plenty of attention this morning. Read more here.


Despite the heroic efforts of more than two thousand rescue workers, at least 128 are confirmed dead, and another 34 injured in Monday's landslide.  Hundreds more in Shanxi province's Taoshi city might also be buried in the mud, and their chance for survival doesn't seem especially high. 


China's famed Bird's Nest has been the site of many monumental events over the past few weeks, like Usain Bolt's incredible record-smashing sprints.  Just because the Olympics are over, however, doesn't mean the venue is completely devoid of excitement, however. 


We are definitely creatures of habit. We do the same things, each and every day, often in patterned behavior. While as much as we espouse being flexible, resilient and adaptable, more often than not we behave the same every day. 


How does one deal with the “loneliness of accepting that there is to be no intimate relationship in one’s life?”  Great question from a blogger and a struggle I have had to wrestle with in my own life.  Let’s look at several definitions from Webster’s Dictionary:

1)  Loneliness – solitary; standing by oneself

2)  Intimate – innermost; familiar; closely related; close; an intimate friend

3)  Intimacy – state of being intimate; sexual relations


I traveled to Minneapolis last year to investigate the growing demands of Islamic groups there, including attempts by Muslim cabbies to bar passengers from carrying alcohol (watch my story here). It looks like those cabbies' attempts are failing. Here's an update, from the Star Tribune:


For good reason, the world has turned its attention towards Iran getting a nuclear weapon.


If foreign policy experience were enough to win the White House, Joe Biden would have a clear advantage over the competition.  As Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Biden stresses lofty goals, like strengthening American diplomacy.  His website emphasizes his willingness to engage in bipartisan cooperation, and states that Biden "has played a pivotal role in shaping U.S. foreign policy."   


The Iranian news agency, ISNA, announced that Iran's military will begin three days of war games on Monday. Both Iran's Revolutionary Guard and the regular army will participate.


Remember the criticism those on the right leveled at Barak Obama when he addressed thousands of screaming Europeans in Berlin? Likewise as he accepted his party's nomination in front of a massive crowd at Invesco Field in Denver? They're engaging in "celebrity worship" was the cry. The McCain campaign even produced a commercial to that effect, complete with not-so-subtle references to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
