
Barack Obama, virtually unknown four years ago, has made history.


In the general election, Barack Obama will paint John McCain as "George W. Bush III." In a speech delivered tonight, McCain is effectively saying, "Give me a break."


Barack Obama’s friend, Pastor Michael Pfleger has been told to leave his parish for awhile. Read below from the Chicago Sun-Times:


GG:  Who’s Jesus to you? OBAMA:  Right. Jesus is a historical figure for me, and he’s also a bridge between God and man, in the Christian faith, and one that I think is powerful precisely because he serves as that means of us reaching something higher. And he’s also a wonderful teacher. I think it’s important for all of us, of whatever faith, to have teachers in the flesh and also teachers in history. GG:  The conversation stopper, when you say you’


This coming in from Ben Smith at The Politico this afternoon. Read below:


Goodness gracious. I want to take a lunch break but this dwindling delegate math is so riveting I can’t break away. I think I’ll order out. Let me just say that since it looks like Hillary Clinton won’t concede tonight she really is robbing Obama of a clear cut victory. She could have seen the writing on the wall and she could have looked at the delegate clock and then decided to drop out and let Obama have his moment tonight. That doesn’t look like it will happen. The ev


Life is so confusing. I can’t even keep my checkbook straight and now I’m supposed to make heads or tails about this Democratic nomination fight. Yeah, right.


And their answer is: there is no relationship, at least not directly. I spoke with State Department spokesperson Nicole Thompson about a report that State had awarded a grant to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) that would help fund ISNA"s "Citizen's Exchange Project." Sounds like an innocent enough program, except that ISNA was named an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal terrorism case just last year (for more background, read my original blog here). Obviously,


The next terrorist weapon to be unleashed against the United States or Europe is likely to have fair skin and perhaps blue eyes, and will speak, not just in the local language, but with the local accent. He or she will have grown up in the nation that was attacked.


Good news from the home front this week -- the city of Philadelphia's murder rate to a three-year low. Yee-ha. I love good news.
