
A British government agency's awards panel has rejected an educational CD based on  the "Three Little Pigs", saying that "the use of pigs raises cultural issues".


Two weeks ago, President George Bush visited Israel and the Palestinian territories. Both in Jerusalem and Ramallah, he called for "two states living side by side in peace and security."


Life does have a way of throwing things off track......it' s called LIFE! But in every negative there are positives.   In The Difference Maker, John Maxwell tells the story of a man who survived WWII and Auschwitz.   The young man and his entire family, including his pregnant wife were taken the to concentration camp. One by one he watched all of them die at the hands of their captors.  


Here's some more news you won't hear elsewhere - because if it's not bombs, bodies, or bullets, the media elites think you don't want to hear about it.


When it comes to Internet pornography, the numbers are staggering.  In 2006, 4.2 million websites, roughly 12% of all Internet sites were pornographic, constituting 420 million pages worldwide.  In China alone, revenues from pornography were $27.4 billion.


Robin Mazyck here guest blogging for The Brody File. David left me all alone on the campaign trail so he could take care of some important business back in Washington, D.C., He will rejoin me here in South Carolina Saturday to cover the Democratic primary.


For the past two days, the world watched as tens of thousands of Palestinians from Gaza poured through the blasted border walls separating them from Egypt's Sinai Peninsula.


John and Carol Arnott will be coming back to Virginia Beach the week of February 18-23, 2008, for the "Thy Kingdom Come" Conference at The Founders Inn. This will be their seventh year in the Hampton Roads area for this dynamic, Spirit-filled conference. The 700 Club's Gordon Robertson will be ministering on Wednesday, February 20th.


Something tells me this kind of neighborly affection isn't what the Bush administration has in mind when they talk about a new, democratic Iraq. From Reuters:


We've all seen or been part of public displays of affection: the reunited lovers embracing at the airport, the soldier and his wife saying goodbye before he ships off to war, even the marriage proposal at the table across the restaurant. 
