Christian Living

bootsontheground 02/02/08

A New Low for Al Qaeda and for the City of Berkley

The Associated Press is now reporting that the two female suicide bombers who killed almost 100 people in Baghdad on Friday had downs' syndrome. Their suicide bomb vests were detonated remotely, and the hapless handicapped women likely had no idea what was about to happen.

Who can argue that this is a new low of dishonorable brutality and cowardice, even for those who are known to have killed entire Iraqi villages?

Then there is the story out of Berkley , California, where protesters chained themselves to the local Marine Corps recruiting office and the city council there passed a resolution calling the Marines "unwelcome intruders."

I wouldn't think of comparing Americans exercising their constitutional rights to free speech to cowardly terrorists who use handicapped women to do their dirty work. But I will gladly contrast the terrorists' tactics and those of the Marine Corps.

While Al Qaeda makes blowing up women its' calling card in Iraq....

The Marines recently launched a rescue effort to save an Iraqi girl who was in dire medical need.

Then there's this story about Marines who rebuilt and re-opened a girl's school in An-Najaf.

Or this story about Marines who endured pounding rains and oppressive heat in the Phillipines to make life easier for the inhabitants of a remote village.

Not to mention the hundreds of Marines who gave their lives so that Iraq's Al Anbar province can today be one of the most peaceful places in Iraq, where children play in the streets without fear.

The United States Marine Corps is almost synonymous with concept of honor. Too bad honorable men and women like these are no longer welcome in Berkley, California.

The city council members in Berkley, California also benefit from the sacrifices of these brave Marines, as do we all. One has to wonder how quickly the Berkley city council would ask the Marines to come back if the likes of Al Qaeda showed up on their streets.

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